Congratulations to Blicker Pierce Wagner

Announced their new 30,000 sf warehouse, and a new, improved faster website. Very cool guys- congratulations!

This was born out of necessity to store your German wine purchases and your leftover signage from your presidential run a few years back. We store the wines for the shop in the caves underneath.

I was expecting some sort of joke from Holdredge to lighten up my Friday. What a disappointment!
Congratulations to BPW, anyways.

Here ya go (with thanks to Bruce Lieso…Liosew…loeiz…Bruce L.)

(“I started with Algebra, but before I knew it I was doing Trig. When I moved on to calculus, I knew I had a problem”)

And I just blew a few hundred more bucks on German wines. Jesus. This is worse than being a math addict.