Coming on quick!

The color is coming on quick now that the heat spell has passed. Looks like a week is the mid-80’s to around 90 for us, which is about as good as it gets.

Beautiful pic, Casey. Is it typical for there to be such wide variation in color in a single cluster?


Funny but it seems to come on a berry at a time. That pic is from Sangiovese, which is farther along that most of my other stuff (it also has the most hens&chicks thing going on too). Today I saw some Syrah clusters that had just one or two berries turning color. Grenache still nothing as well as Cab. Still have many weeks of deer hunting before we get into harvest. [training.gif]

We drank a mag of the 2001 EPR syrah On Saturday and it rocked!
Got some more?


Yep, there’s a touch more fo that stuff around. I personally liked the '00 a bit more than the '01, but know many folks who like the '01 more. Go figure. I sure like those pics of that handsome boy of yours! Email me if I can help you out.


We saw our first berries today as well in the Syrah and Zin. Seems like we’re about average as far as dates go. I’m loving the cooler weather with some upper 70’s/ low 80’s predicted for the next week.

So happy for no(major) fires this year!!! [dance-clap.gif]