Charleston, SC recs

FIG three times. :wink:


Went last year and had a stunning meal at Vern’s. Malagón might be the best tapas I’ve had in the US - really exceptional.


Malagon is as close to being in Spain as you can get while staying in the US. I loved it when my son lived across the street when he was at The College of Charleston.

Get the chocolate dessert.

Love that place!


Does Fig allow corkage?

I can’t remember the fee though.

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I’m kinda sad I missed that lunch at malagon, but that was right around when I sprained my ankle right off king st :rage:

Oh i do also like Malagon a lot. The tortilla is very good, and all the other tapas as well. Staff has always been good too. Bit more relaxed than Fig and Verns.