Charles Lachaux – Taking Burgundy Further

Perhaps as an antidote to the wine media bashing thread this month, I thought I would give a bit of a shout out to Winehog (aka Steen Ohman) for a little article on Arnoux- Lachaux that is not related to the outrageous prices that the wine now sells for. I appeared in late August. Describes in some detail the farming techniques used by Charles that are extremely innovative in Burgundy and may address some of the climate issues happening there. I know he is not widely read outside of the geeky world of our hobby, but thought a little love is due to come his way. Know it is behind a paywall, but I personally prefer this kind of writing these days to endless parades of scores and tasting notes. There is also a nice profile on Les Horees published this month.

For those of you looking for a deeper dive into Burgundy…not that we need any more competition for the wines!

PS I absolutely have NO financial interest at all in the publication. Just wish more folks were out there doing stuff in other places similar to Steen. He is the Don Quixote of wine writing for me.
