Champagne quiz #3 for you and me. Answers now posted.

Please share how you did and offer any suggestions as to how it could have been done better.

Also, understand that I am taking information supplied in books and sources that include Peter Liem, David White, Jancis Robinson, Yoko, Wikipedia and others and my answers are only as accurate as that which comes from the authors and in a few instances, my interpretation of it. Thanks to many who have responded, we`re getting some corrections and additional info from some who are more informed and thus, a more complete learning experience which is what this is all about anyway.

It is my intention to post at least another champagne quiz, #4. Thanks for playing.

The answers:

1] Approximately how much of all champagne produced is non vintage?


2] Approximately how much of most non vintage wines are from one vintage for its base?


3] When did the tradition of spraying champagne to celebrate victory in an athletic event begin?

1967 at the world`s oldest sports car event, 24 Heures du Mans when Dan Gurney and A.J. Foyt shook and sprayed a bottle of Moet & Chandon.
The first time champagne was used was to celebrate the crowning of Clovis in what would become France in 496.
In 1882, it was used to open railways, start a newspaper, celebrate an anniversary and inaugurate a public edifice.

4] What was the original name of the group some small growers formed to insure high quality and how many current members?

Club de Viticulteurs Champenois, now AKA Special Club and known as Club Tresors. There are 28 present members.

5] Immediately following numerical numbers on a champagne label are 2 letters or codes. How many possibilities are there and what does each one designate?

There are 7 codes.
RM- recolant-manipulant or grower-producer who use 95% or more of their estate fruit. Called “grower champagnes”.
NM- negociant-manipulant or merchant producer who buy more than 6% of their fruit. e.g. Moet & Chandon
CM- cooperative-manipulant for cooperatives who share resources and produce a single brand. e.g. Nicolas Feuilatte.
SR- société-de récoltants or union growers who pool resources to make one or more labels. e.g. Pascal Doquet
MA- marque dacheteur or buyers brand for those who sell champagne under their name even though they do not make it. e.g. Kirkland Signature
RC- recolant-cooperateur or grower cooperator for cooperatives who handle wines for a grower who then sells under their label.
ND- negotiant-distributeur or merchant distributor for wine merchants who purchase finished wine, but label it and sell it as if it is their own. The author discourages from buying these wines.

6] Who is the oldest continually family owned and operated house in Champagne?

Billecart-Salmon since 1818

7] What % of Krug`s entire production is in the MV Grande Cuvee?


8] Who is the largest champagne company and approximately how many bottles do they produce annually?

Moet & Chandon ~30 million bottles per year

9] The world`s most famous prestige cuvee is Dom Perignon with a typical blend of 60% Chardonnay and 40% Pinot Noir. The wine ages on its lees for 8-10 years before disgorgement. A large percentage is held back for later releases in tranches. What are the current names for these and how long does each age on its lees?

Previously called Oenotheque:
P2 [the P stands for Plenitudes] - ages on its lees sur pointe [upside down] for about 15 years.
P3- from 30-40 years

10] Which house is the largest producer of biodynamic champagne?

Roederer has more than 150 acres of vines farmed this way.


Answers now posted above.