Cellar Tracker New Site

Mike Click classis mode at the Bottom

Doing it every time I log on can be a hassle.

Way to go, Eric! I’ve been using the Beta for a while. But it’s great to not have to navigate to it now.

Well done!

Then make a favorite to http://www.cellartracker.com/classic
What browser are you running on the machine that is slow?

On the old site, you could go to your buddies tab and view all notes from my favorite tasters…I don’t seem to see that on the new?

Eric, as you know I am not a user (I know this keeps you up at night) but the new site is just beautiful and easy to navigate. Great job.



Very dumb question, but if I’m in a wine, where is the wine searcher link? Can’t seem to see it.

Never mind, found it. That BRIGHT RED LARGE BOX labeled Where To Buy.

This one is coming up a lot, so I think we will be doing more here soon to raise the visibility.

+1 on it being slow, particularly when viewing my cellar. Unfortunately, my work machine sucks, but I’m stuck with it (Windows XP running IE8).

Eric, thanks and congratulations! I’m sort of stumbling through this, making mistakes, etc. I can see that this is a much richer site, once I get my act together.

What’s a “friend” on CT? It sounds innocuous, but isn’t this what was a “buddy” and hence someone who can browse your cellar in detail? Without real names, it is hard what to make of such requests. What’s the other thing called on the new CT? fan?

Friend = Buddy: Facebook style. Reciprocal request. Main reason is indeed around who can see your cellar.
Fan = Favorite: Twitter style and G+ style. Anyone can be a fan of you. You can be a fan of anyone. Main reason to do this is to aid tasting note ordering and filtering and custom score averages.

I need to do a much fuller writeup on the social layer.

Thanks. I hope no one will think I’m unfriendly or don’t like them just because I prefer not to share the details of my cellar with anyone unless necessary.

Ken, nope. Also, if you reject a friend request the other person will never know. They also should not be able to resubmit once you have rejected it…

Ken, if I reject a friend request from you, you can bet I’ll tell you

Some of the new pages are pretty cool. Never knew that I have consumed 37 bottles of Cos d’Estournel from 17 different vintages. Yes, I could have looked that up on the ‘classic’ site but the information is much more readily available on the new site.

Why the change in nomenclature, Eric?