Cellar Tracker Cost Per Bottle

What cost per bottle do you enter into Cellar Tracker

  • Price paid
  • Price paid plus tax
  • Price paid plus tax & buyers premium if bought at auction
  • Price paid plus tax, buyers premium if bought at auction & Shipping
  • Full cost plus storage, and anything else you can allocate per bottle?

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It’s been a while since I’ve seen a thread on this and am curious to see how this has changed over the years.

The only price that matters to me is the all in price to get it into my house - i.e. the all in acquisition cost.


I don’t overthink it. I typically do price paid, plus buyers premium if at auction (because that’s a big part of the price paid!). I don’t include shipping because it’s not typically known when I buy the wine. I’m probably inconsistent on whether I include tax.

The only time I include shipping costs is when I’m buying wines directly from a producer. For the most part, I use the price paid (including buyer’s premium if applicable) without tax or shipping. It allows me to more easily compare future offers across wine-searcher more easily as I don’t have to back out shipping costs and taxes from my CT figure. An apples to apples comparison.

I always include shipping in my cost but not sales tax.

Great poll. I only put in the list price that I paid and I don’t include tax, coupons/discounts, or shipping. I think those other 3 items can skew the data since they vary depending on state, region, and store. I know that the downside of this approach is the accuracy of it for my personal data, but I think it’s better to keep the data as clean as possible for everyone else to benefit from.

I wish CT would have more fields on this, but oh well.

Not saying that it makes perfect sense, but I put in either (1) cost before tax if retail or (2) cost plus premium minus tax if auction. It helps me compare prices over time. I intentionally leave out shipping cost, but could make a case for including tax. But since I started without it, I want to keep it consistent…

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The price I put in on CellarTracker is: cost + tax + shipping cost. [I virtually never buy from auctions.] I mostly put in prices for CellarTracker for (1) cost basis in case I sell the wine and (2) more importantly, having an accurate number for insurance purposes. Leaving out tax, shipping, etc., etc., just deludes one into thinking they paid less for a bottle of wine than they did IMHO.


I’m lazy and I either enter just the price paid, or I don’t bother entering it at all. Having a precise number here is of little value to me, and certainly not worth the hassle of trying to allocate shipping and tax from a mixed purchase onto each bottle (I know it’s not difficult math, but it’s extra work that brings me little to no benefit).

100% this. I may, however, make a note of shipping cost in the purchase note section, especially if it was a special like free shipping or significant, like import/shipping cost from Europe.

I think there is one missing option in the poll: “I do not enter anything”.

That would be the one I pick. [oops.gif]
I guess I should start doing it to better keep records in the long run.

In Europe, pricing includes tax, so it would be a hassle to divide by 1.21 to calculate price without tax. On the other hand, I do add tax when I buy my wines from the USA. I also include shipping costs, as this is part of the costs for getting a bottle in my cellar.

Only price paid. Life’s too short.

I guess it is a philosophy of marking the CT score just for yourself or to help the entire community. One reason I don’t combine shipping and bottle costs is because they are two completely independent markets. If you purchase more than a few bottles online a year, you should know what a good shipping price and a bad shipping price per bottle is. Over time, this has nothing to do with the wine’s market value or what you paid to ship something in the past, and it makes more sense in my book to compare the base bottle price to the current shipping market prices, rather than what happened in the past. The only reason I would keep them in the same bucket is if I were only buying for investment.

It isn’t really helpful to me to see someone in Montana price a bottle at $100 that they got online from the same store as a New York local who paid $75 without shipping. It would be nice if CT let you separate the shipping costs, which would give us the best of both worlds, but my location has shipping costs that are unique, and I don’t care to see a random mix of taxes and shipping decisions and bad math. I just want to see what the average base price is so I can make a decision of buying online or searching locally that makes sense for me.

cost to my door, only number that has any meaning.

Don’t use CT, but I only enter bottle cost to track my pricing. Helps me track the bottle price if I am buying annually.

All of those variabilities apply anyway to the retail price due to pricing differences in different countries, regions, importers, distributors, etc

I do the math and enter fully loaded cost to me (including applying full purchase discounts on a pro rata basis across bottles) so I can use the CT price stats for managing my total spend. I have a monthly spend target and use CT purchase over time reports to track it. (Do I ever come in under the target? Don’t be silly)

Usually some variation of: Cost $/bottle + Storage input/output fee + Shipping.

I enter nothing because I don’t want to be reminded of my wine spend :slight_smile:

I admit that I am wildly inconsistent. I only enter the cost about half the time, and then it’s a mish-mash of bottle price and bottle price plus sales tax. Of course I do a lot of shopping in a state with no sales tax on wine, so that leads to where I often leave out tax, even in situations where I paid it.

I almost never add in shipping costs, as I made a decision to get something shipped because I wanted the wine. It’s logistics cost not wine cost to me.