Cellar Reduction Process (10 cases of recent deliveries)

Never had to do this before, however cellar is seriously full (850) and need room for recently ordered wines… Today arranged all wines by review score on CT and picked out 3-4 cases of older/lowered reviewed wines. Most wines are varietals that normally wouldn’t make the age (20 +/- years). Will open all bottles this weekend (or next) with wife and invited friends/neighbors. Ones that don’t make the grade immediately emptied and others will drink until can’t drink anymore…


Sounds like a good match for @Chris_Seiber weekly charity thread

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Hey, wine is meant to be drunk!

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Eh, figure out what Berserkers are in your neighborhood. They’ll appreciate your older/lowered swill. :slight_smile:

I will gladly lease you space in my space, that…well, doesn’t have much space left, but we’ll figure it out. :innocent:

Rich’s extra space is conveniently located about 1hr west of Indianapolis, near most all trade routes. :slight_smile:

Google maps may be lieing lol. More like 600 miles east, 9 hrs drive.

I’m gonna stick with 1hr west of Indy. Final answer.

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