Can't believe I'm drinking a 15 in bottle...already!

Fresh and pretty…easy going…chill it down and drink it like a Rose’…for $17…I could fill the pool??? [wow.gif]

You drinkin any 15 yet?

House favorite, year in and year out.

I drank a 2015 Bedrock Ode to Lulu. It was fantastic.

I had my first 15 tonight as well. 2012 was the year I really got into wine, so I’m still slightly weirded out when I see anything older than 2010 for reds and 2011 for whites.

Just ease into them…weird is ok, and there’s a pretty good likelihood the vinous love of your life will be older than 2010.

Just got the ABC club shipment today and it included the 13 Santa Maria bottling Pinot. I had no idea they released their basic bottling so soon. You pick it up locally or thru winery?

A buddy of mine is always posting ABC and Tercero wines. Enjoyed Tercero, but still haven’t had ABC. Perhaps that’ll change.

Had my first 2015 back in December 2015! Muscadet Nouveau from Jo Landron…

I am picking up cases of 2015 Collestefano Verdicchio and Montenidoli rose of Canaiuolo tomorrow and will likely pop one open over the weekend.

Just one? Wimp :wink:

My first 2015 was Tercero’s “aberration” red wine.

Or he owns it already but won’t know how good it really is for another decade.

I happened to be in France last November when Beaujolais Nouveau Day (always 3rd Thursday of Nov) came around, so that was my first '15. I’m not sure if there is any official release of anything that would be sooner than that?

New Zealand SB, but they’re 6 months ahead on vintage.

Good point. I didn’t even consider that.

Bob, I am trying to spread the love around! [cheers.gif]

Over here in Australia, we are just starting to see some of the 2016 Rieslings come out. Even though I know it happens every year, I still get a shock when I see one and we aren’t even halfway through the year yet.

Whoops I meant younger! Younger! Got lots of wine older :slight_smile:

I’m drinking a 2017 but I can’t tell you what I think about it until next year :slight_smile:

