Can anyone tell we what the WA score is fo 2020 Crossbarn Pinot Noir Sonoma Coast?

Just want the number, not the text of the review.

If you have thoughts on the wine, that would also be welcome.

Edit for back story (I may make a more comprehensive post on this later) - There’s a restaurant that I’ve been going to for years that also has a retail license. They sell ALOT of current release wine, and their prices are usually 30%-ish lower than retail. We get offers several times per week, an you reply to the email saying how much you want. I usually swing by the restaurant 2 or 3 times a year, and pick up 4-6 cases of wine.

Last week, i picked up seven cases of wine. One of the wines was supposed to be a 2019 Hourglass HGIII. we opened the first bottle, and I was surprised to see that they had given me the 2021 HGIII instead. It was good, so I wasn’t very upset. But when I emailed the guy about it, he said that the distributor must’ve shipped the wrong wine, but I was “lucky” because the 2019 only got 91 points, but the 2021 got 94 points.

I thought that was a little odd and went back to the original offer which reported the 2019 getting 94 points. I looked them both up, and BOTH vintages got 94 points. So I replied to the guy and told him that, and he replied, almost immediately “Yeah. Sorry - they both got 94 points.”

My initial reaction was “Is he lying to me” but then moved on to other things. Today (a week later) I got this offer for 2020 Crossbarn PN, telling me that it got 94 points. I checked and couldn’t find a rating that high, but I don’t a Wine Advocate subscription anymore. When I asked who gave it 94 points, he said it was the Wine Advocate.

I’m starting to think this guy might be fudging his numbers because most of his clients are point-chasers.

Doesn’t seem to be one, unless it’s really new and not in the full database yet.

Since I see other vintages, I suspect there isn’t one.

Thanks - see my edit for more details.

So not that points matter, but…straight from the WA web site:

2022 Pinot: 93 points WA

2021 Pinot: 91 points WA

2020 Pinot: no review

2019 Pinot: 94 points WA

Unsolicited Tip: if you are ever looking for scores, go to search the wine(filter for out of stock if it doesn’t pop up) and they should have a majority of scores and detailed write ups. Doesn’t have every wine under the sun, but a good research point.

That seems a little suspect, doesn’t it? My guess is he got a deal from the distributor to unload this, and he’s fudging the numbers.

Tried that, and I guess we know why the 94-point score didn’t show up.

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Or maybe they gave him funky numbers.

Dunnuck 90
Suckling 92
According to some sites, Vinous gave it 93 (but can’t verify this)

Yes - I have all of those. Thanks.

Vinous gave the 2020 an 89, but instead includes the 93 point review for the 2021.

Vinous gave the 2020 an 89, but instead includes the 93 point review for the 2021.

Caveat Emptor! The online version of the wrong shelf talker.