Cagouille à la charentaise...

… or why France isn’t just like any other country flirtysmile

(hopefully there are no country limitations to access this video)

TF1 INFO - Actualités du jour en direct : Actualité en France et à l'International" onclick=";return false;

Thats cool…

Do they need any…body material purging? Before you cook or eat them?


They mentioned that the snails have to be left two weeks without eating first, and have to be cleaned carefully. Sounds like a long process…

That’s the standard process for snails, though. My uncle (and other people in my family) prepare their own and go through this lengthy but highly rewarding process. Two weeks without eating, then purge them by “marinating” them in (wine) vinegar and (sea) salt, then clean them carefully. That’s the usual process.

There are other processes such as the one described here but I think the most common is the disgorgement with salt.

What I liked about the video was that we could see the “harvest” and even the snails still moving in the salad bowl on the table. I really enjoy this clear link to where the food on the table is coming from. I imagine most foreigners would find it extremely “yucky”.

Now that you mention it, I recall hearing about that long process years ago.

Re “yucky”, it doesn’t bother me. The first time I was in France, I visited my cousin who had married a Frenchman. After dinner they brought out the Camembert, which was the real thing and quite ripe. It smelled exactly like a chicken coop (I knew that odor from personal experience), and not just a little. Loved it! I guess I am a closet français…