Cachaça for caipirinhas

My love for caipirinhas has become an obsession with this unseasonably warm So Cal weather coupled with the three weeks I spent glugging them in Hawaii. What is your favorite Cachaça for caipirinhas?

Pirrapora is about the only good one (from Minas and an AMPAQ producer) you can get here (other than Germana which is a little more aged and brown than I like in Caipirinhas).

PS: fun with language, a Caipira is a hick or country person in Brasil, a “Caipirinha” is a young, female hick as in “Look what just got off the bus from Hooterville!”.

I should have just called you. Does Wine Expo carry it?

At the moment no but shortly. PS, call me on the 29th or so and I may have something special for you.

Snagged a couple of bottles of Pirapora. Thanks for the recommendation, Roberto. I’ll check in with you at the end of the month.

Roberto, quick question: what’s the difference between cachaça & white rum?

Rum is made from Molasses which is a byproduct of sugar refining. Cachaça is distilled from free run cane juice (and the good stuff from Minas is from specific varieties of sugar cane). The net result is it is more aromatic in the flowery / citrussy direction.

Ah gotcha. Thanks.