Another BerserkerDay Favorite! I doubt John Cabot will be awake yet, so let’s all bombard him with orders!
Pack #1- syrah pack- $120
2 btls… 07 Klamath Cuvee- best buy of the year in Ca. wine from WIne and Spirits magazine for 2012- retail… $20
2 btls… 07 Humboldt Syrah- 90 pts bobby and rockin in the free world… retail…$24
2 btls 07 Kimberlys Syrah- retail…$28
I didn’t completely follow the rules and emailed them what I wanted and instructed them on how to get my CC info to them. Not sending CC info via plain text email.
Thank you for your orders. I am getting them and will respond to everyone. If you would like to send your order with credit card type, # and exp., via fax the number is 530-292-5032. Or send it email to or call 707 633-6422.