Cabot Vineyards
Yes, ONE last offer, one that is most CERTAINLY dessert, and apologies go out to the East coasters for the late entry.
I’ve had this in shiners and it is AWESOME - I promptly ordered half a case. (Oh, and Phil Franks, I have your Nash Mill!) I know a few others have tried this as well, and should chime in with their thoughts. Fantastic nose, great acidity - truly the best wine John has made to date!
His ‘notes’:
“So the 2010 Nash MIll will be offered at $36 a bottle…
it was aged 11 months on twice filled barrels. No new oak…
destemmed… native yeast… blah bla blah bla blah- f’ing killer…”
There you go…$36 Nash Mill Pinot futures. Get ON 'em!