I found some really good looking, and larger, racks of Lamb at Costco this past weekend. So, I decided to get one and do something different for dinner on Saturday night. I went with a whole rack rubbed with a home-concocted Moroccan inspired mixture. Light coat of EVOO followed by some Bolivian Rose salt and a nice amount of the rub. Threw it in a 450 deg F oven until the temp hit 130 internal on the critter. Pulled and let rest for 5 minutes before cutting into double bone chops. Served it with a “jeweled” saffron Texmati rice.
Turned out better than I though for my first attempt at Northern African cuisine. Will be in the rotation from now on.
Most of my research also called for cumin. I have recently been unable to eat any cumin as it causes some serious stomach issues for me, so I omitted it. I would figure an equal measure of 1 TBS would be good.