Boston Offline ***Date is 7/19/09***: Older school Napa names from 1987, 1991, and 1994.

If the 87’ Spottswoode is in then I could bring the the 94’

OK gents, the 1987 and 1994 Spottswoode smackdown is on! [berserker.gif]

Zach - think you could bring something to add to the 1991 selections? So far there is only one.

Wish we could come as I have many that suit the theme. [tease.gif]


I can make it. I am all in mon.

Yeah…I’ll bring a 91 of something!

Alex, can you put my friends Ron (some of you know) and his wife Katie on the wait list? He hasn’t found this board yet…

Oh, its ON!
Bringin’ Dominus and Champs yo!
Maybe some fine tequila to make it a complete debacle!

Probably a 1991 Pahlmeyer for me

Kevin, I would love to be able to do that. However, given the fact everyone who has responded has said they are coming, what I need to do is reduce the numbers rather than add to them. I hesitate even to begin a wait list because the pours are already going to be quite small, bordering on too small.
Even with a cancellation or two, I just do not see how this would be possible. Sorry.

How do we get him to find it? Do you have to wear your WineBerserkers t-shirt and go to him and point to it? If so, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do, friend!



Nobody likes sandbaggers, Kevin, though I am flattered they want to join THAT badly.


Part of your label wasn’t showing well on my monitor, so I enlarged it:

Did the Dominatrix label say Napa?
No? Oh well, I think you are doing very nicely by stepping up with the 1991 Dominus instead. [cheers.gif]


God I love these offlines! The Foley - Czyryca rivalry never gets old! [d_sunny.gif]


The only one allowed to have “The” in front of his name is…The Todd.