Blast from the past! The 'original' Wine Berserkers forum (

A handful of you were around WAY back in the beginning, in 2009, when the forum was hosted on a ‘do it yourself’ type of host, and every once in a while I still get a registration for it (not sure why!).

For those who would like to really see where it all began, back in 2009, only one month of action, but plenty of it:



Ha. Bob Wood being Bob

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Why was the forum so domestic wine centric?? :joy::wink:

Noobs. I have old forums from back in 1997. [snort.gif]

Lots of familiar faces, but I just read one by Steve Manzi…

Tex’s avatar…LOL

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So Charlie went from loving that smooth Alban Reva to a burgundy whore!? Well I guess we all start somewhere lol

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So you’re a young guy.

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Victor had his own sub forum?

I’d like to try to open a thread today in Epicurean Exploits asking who your favorite Food Network stars are. I can only imagine the responses.

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That was fun. Thanks!

Wow. So fun to see. I was late to the game and only joined five months later so I missed this version of WB.
Zachary Lang’s VT ski weekends provided a fun read.

And Mike Pobega has a short-rib recipe. Didn’t read the thread but since he was a cabernet lover, probably suggested using a 1999 Ridge Monte Bello for the recipe. Monte Bello braised short ribs??? - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers Hi Loren - Nice to see you posting again. Hope all is well.

Pobega is more along the lines of using Myriad for his demi glace

Landreth was a MODERATOR? LMAO.

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