

People have made and eaten bread for millenia. I’m quite sure that chowing down solely on a lot of white bread isn’t the best thing for you. I’m just as sure that having a biscuit or two here and there will have no appreciable effect on your health.

Yeah . . . overheard at the Farmers Market yesterday at the specialty baked goods booth where the two owners were discussing their baked goods with a potential customer: “She’s vegan and lactose intolerant, I’m gluten-free.”

Give me a fucking break.

Flour for millenia was not as amazingly and thoroughly processed as it is now - it was purely ground grain.

Yeah, I thought of that as I wrote it.

The Surgeon General has determined there is no cancer, diabetes or heart health related ingredients, nor flour or salt in the following product:

What ARE those, Randy? Non-Wheat Thins?

soylent green… duh… [pillow-fight.gif]

In the year 2022, the population has grown to forty million people in New York City alone. Most housing is dilapidated and overcrowded, and the homeless fill the streets and line the fire escapes and stairways of buildings. Food as we know it in present times is a rare and expensive commodity. Most of the world’s population survives on processed rations produced by the massive Soylent Corporation, including Soylent Red and Soylent Yellow, which are advertised as “high-energy vegetable concentrates.” The newest product is Soylent Green, a small green wafer which is advertised as being produced from “high-energy plankton.” It is much more nutritious and palatable than the red and yellow varieties, but, like most other food, it is in short supply, which often leads to food riots.

Soylent Green is a 1973 American science fiction film. I truly believed it then, as an 11 year old, and I even more believe it now. This will be the way the world ends up.

Have you been reading Gary Taubes too? [thumbs-up.gif]

Sheesh you people are cranky. Eat more Wheaties and shit better. Then eat some biscuits.

Way to tell 'em, Eric! Moderation is key.

Well said.

I was in no way trying to get on a platform and say “don’t eat biscuits”. All I was saying that trying to compare the sodium content of two different recipes is a bit silly if you are eating biscuits in the first place. Just pick the one you like better and eat that.

Guilty as charged. Taubes, Cordain, Eades, Wolf, Sisson, etc etc.

In other words, every crackpot fad dietary guru on the planet.

Nope. If they’re crackpots - I think the jury’s still out - the paleo/caveman gurus Matt named make up only a tiny slice of that universe.

Bob, it sounds like you might be vegan-intolerant. Might want to have your doctor run some tests.

I understand why one might think that, but there are a lot of studies that back up what they have to say. There are crackpots and frauds in every dietary movement (including the lobbyist influenced USDA guidelines), but they guys I listed above, especially Cordain, have put out some pretty serious material.

Cooking Thanksgiving dinner when your vegan son and his vegan girlfriend are in attendance will cause some permanent scarring. Thank God he gave both of them up.

That sounds like a lovely evening. [smileyvault-ban.gif]