Best wine ever question, with a twist

This relates to the circumstances rather than the actual wine

  • Was it just a particular bottle that blew you away, it could have been anywhere in any company, it was the wine
  • Was it a special bottle you had saved for a special moment and the combo did it
  • Was it a run of the mill bottle but a very special occasion, wedding, birthday, divorce etc
  • Was it the location, a regular bottle on the banks of the Seine with your loved one watching the sun go down
  • Was it a moment where you suddenly discovered a wine treat, first real burg, first SE, first Petrus etc
  • Just a random moment when everything aligned, taking a normal bottle in a normal situation but it was the best ever for a unique reason

0 voters

So im asking under what conditions did you have your best ever wine moment, im intrigued if it is just about the wine or does the moment itself have more importance. I think the stories that go with this are more important than the wine itself, im not looking for a contest of Petrus v DRC, the best story could be a $20 cab

I’ve only just started my wine journey when I and my now wife went to a pre-auction tasting held by the Chicago Wine Company. I knew the names in Bordeaux and was there primarily to taste those and focus on the 1989 and 1990s. After trying a few whites when we first arrive I head towards the Bdx and my wife goes in the other direction. About 10 minutes later she brings me a glass and says “try this”. The most amazing nose ever and the wine in the mouth surpassed the nose. My words can’t do it justice so I won’t try. Two minutes later she is back with another glass. This is way more subtle but oh so sexy. Not the power of the first and lacking some of the excitement but so refined and interesting.

Turns out I had just had my first introduction to serious Burgundy. Both wines were from the same producer, Leroy. The first was the 1991 Musigny, the second the 1955 Volnay.

Brian, that’s a pretty good introduction!!!

What about a combination of several of these?

As your poll recognizes, best wine and best wine experience can be entirely different things. I’ve experienced all 6 of your scenarios at least once each.

I selected the 4th option as closest. Years ago rambling through Tuscany with my brother. Perfect summer day we have lunch outside at Osteria Piazza In Piazza not far from Panzano. A bottle of 1997 Flaccianello with chingale e pappardelle looking out over the Conca D’Oro. The perfect bottle in the perfect setting. We both just kept saying “damn this is good”.

I voted for “Was it a special bottle you had saved for a special moment and the combo did it” but the details need to be tweaked. First off, there were two epiphanies - both at Bern’s Steak House which means I didn’t save the bottles, they both were a surprise from our friends ITB. The wine was obviously a huge part, but the occasion and company were certainly augmenting the situation.

First thing thame to mind was a 65 year old Bordeaux at Bern’s.
But this 93 Mouton on Divorce Day was pretty memorable as well.
Going further back, a white wine in Cassis on my honeymoon overlooking the Mediteranean while enjoying some fish I can’t recall. Bought a couple cases when we returned a couple years later.

Wow, both divorce and honeymoon. In which order?