Best Wine Deal You Passed On?

The one that stands out for me was at the height of the economic downturn (2008-2009?) 2002 Cristal was selling locally for $129.

PC Bordeaux 2014 futures.

1985 DRC RC for $400 in 1988

1990 Ch. Latour for $80 in 1993

An obscure one for me, but I still do wonder about it, and reflect that I probably would take a punt on such a large lot these days (despite limited cellar space):

Auction lots of Castelluccio (a producer of mainly Sangiovese in Emilia-Romagna). I talked myself out of them as they were 48 bottle lots (covering the 2/3 main cru bottlings), but IIRC they went for well under a fiver a bottle. I’ve found since that the few serious producers from the region make Sangiovese that I enjoy.

In 2009, K&L wines offered 3 cases of 2008 Chateau Latour for $199. Last year I passed on 2010 Bartolo Mascarello Barolo for $118.


In 2012 (or 2013?) when WHWC and K+L were blowing out the Aldo Conterno stuff. I bought a bunch but should have bought 10x. 2001 Granbussia for $100? Truck, back it up.

Best Wine Deal You Passed On?
-If I dress in My Captain Hindsight uniform, then I can truly answer : Back in the 90’s… All the Rousseaus, DRCs, Petrus, Leroys, Latours…and many other Top -Domaines and -Chateaux. -I touched the bottles, -but I didn’t buy all of them !!

So many wine shops, had these top wines right on the shelves, at very nice (symbolic) prices, back then. (Auctions as well.)

Not nice really, to think back at all these gems, that were passed on. -Damn My good memory…

Regards, Soren.

Mine defies comprehension. I still think about it.

It was 2005, and my wife and I had just closed on a new house without selling our old house, so I had two mortgages going. Manageable, and planned, but still had me on edge since we were also renovating the home. And of course, my wife needed all new furniture.

My close friend then decided to liquidate his wine collection. He had already gotten rid of two wine refrigerators with good stuff, but was holding on to a 200-bottle fridge with his best stuff. He offered to sell it to me for $12000, fridge and contents. About 150 bottles were strong Cali cabs from 94-97, the remainder was Bordeaux and Italian. It included an 89 Haut Brion, 88 Petrus, 88 LaMish, 90 Latour, some 86 Ducru, 95 Lynch Bages, etc.

Yup, stoopid stoopid stoopid!

Indeed that sale still bothers me for what I did not buy [swearing.gif]

couldnt agree more
I bought a six pack of Leroy GC from 01 and 06 for $300 per bottle - I should have backed the truck up and purchased cases.
Also Rousseau Charmbertin 1999 - I have one left and have consumed 3 - $220 dollars - bargain


Justin Wells told me to buy big in the First Growths of 2008 Bordeaux futures, at 100EUR/bottle, and I didn’t. Should have mortgaged the house to buy a truckload

Yea I regret passing on those, too.

92 Point Burghound Volnay 1er Cru “Champans” 2014. $39.99.

I find that my biggest regrets come with deals where I didn’t capitalize the way I should have.

Cameron Hughes Lot 385 was really the unreleased 2011 Odette Caberenet. It was $20/bottle and while I bought some, I wish I had literally backed up the truck and bought like 20 cases of the stuff.

I also remember during the downturn some great deals, like 2006 and 2007 Sawyer Library Reserve for about $30/bottle and I regret only buying a few bottles of each.

I also remember when whole foods first started their wine sale promotions, it was 30% off and then another 10% off, they didn’t know what they were doing and you could get some pretty awesome daily drinkers and wines slightly better that were already on sale for an additional 40% off!!! Needless to say they eventually caught on to what was happening and the sales became rather blah a few months later.

2000 Ausone at Costco (around 2005) for $265 per. Went home to research and think about…went back two days later and they were cleared out (3 cases worth). Ouch. Not too many years after i saw it trading around $1,600 per bottle.

Up to 3 cases of 1961 Ch Latour at $35/btl this was in the mid 1970’s

In 2007 Costco in Temecula had 2004 d’Yquem for $125 per 750. I only bought 1! I should have bought the 30+ they had.

1990 Latour and Margaux for around $70-$75 a bottle.


1982 Lafite, $800 a case