Best Stores to Buy Burgundy?

What online stores tend to have the best deals and selection of Burgundy? Thanks.

Woodland Hills Wine Co., Premier Cru, Envoyer, and Crush are some of my favorites

KL, premier cru, kermit lynch and Envoyer are the retail outlets I probably use the most. These days I get alot (most?) from auction too. Of the retails I use Envoyer the most the last year or so.

I just use west coast retailers for various reasons.

Benchmark, Austin Wine Merchants, Vins Rare.

Have purchased from all across the board with no problems. Suggestions before were also good.

Brown Derby has a decent selection and pricing can be okay although their website can be a frustrating experience.

Good suggestions up above, I’ll add MacArthurs in Washington, DC. And Zachys when they go on sale, which is often.

1 Like also has some interesting stuff, including some back vintages of Joseph Roty. But doing a search by producer name can be tricky, as some wines are listed under “Joseph Roty”, others as “J Roty” or even “J. Roty” (unless they have recently changed the listings…). You have to scroll through all the profucer names to make sure there are not some alternate spellings sometimes.

Chambers Street here in NYC should be on the list. Garnet always has a pretty good selection too.

Interesting that no one mentions Burgundy Wine Company.

I have no idea.

I am digging the 2010 Faverelles Bourgogne that they carry. I mean, it may be far from complex, but it really hits the spot for easy drinking, good value Bourgogne in my view. Though I will admit that much of my buying from Chambers these days is stuff other than Burgundy.

Believe it or not, I end up with a lot of Burgundy from Zachys. If you wait for the right sales, the prices can be great.

Re: CSW: I have found some amazing deals on back vintage burgs… they bring some in from time to time from private cellars. The current release stuff usually isn’t the cheapest out there.


Can you elaborate on auctions? I’ve always been curious… do you end up buying a lot of stuff in case quantities? Mostly older vintages? Do you save a lot of money or is it yet another way to spend too much money on wine? Which auctions do you prefer?

I recently returned to the auction purchase scene when friends told me that they were seeing lots go for under low estimates or un-bid upon all together. I am in no way trying to get the cream of the crop auction lots. I troll for the weird stuff. Generally the mixed vintage/producer lots and usually 1er cru level stuff (although I recently scored a magnum of '96 Dujac Clos de la Roche in one of these lots for a song). I pre-determine what I am willing to pay, I submit my bids in advance and I do not watch the auction stream live to see how I am doing. I either get them or I don’t. It is way too easy to get caught up in auction fever and pay much more than you wanted to if you watch it happening. I pretty much operate the same way with I’ll put my bid in on Monday and not pay the least bit of attention the rest of the week. As long as you don’t get too invested with the auction stuff you won’t overpay and you can end up with some nifty wines.

I’ll PM you in a bit

Envoyer is my choice typically, However, I CAUTION you and your budget…if you ask to be added to the Envoyer mailing list, and while there is no commitment to purchase anything, be very prepared to decide ahead of time what you can spend and how much inventory you can accomodate because their daily emails (typically 8, 10 and Noon) will create temptation. Thank god for Sancerre, Muscadet and Chenin Blanc, as Envoyer regularly offers these wines too in their daily emails and they help me purchase without totally thrashing my budget with all the Burgundy that they offer.

Crush is great. Talk to Ian or Chris, they really know their stuff re. Burgs.

Chambers is a fantastic place but like Michael, I’ve rarely bought Burgundy there - their Loire/Riesling/Jura selection’s too good and distracting.

Here in Sweden we only have the one and only monopoly, Systembolaget. The selection of wines for the whole country is detemined by a tasting jury. The monopoly even claim that they preventing us from drinking too much. Doesn’t that sound like a great solution? [wow.gif]

I’m not a Burg guy, but Grapes the Wine Co. has a great selection. Great buys from the email blasts.

I buy from several different sources, but Envoyer is my main retailer, great CS from Greg and they’re local to me so free delivery to my locker. I’ve participated in lots of auctions, but my success rate is very low. I usually submit my max bid early and it’s usually near the low estimate. I’ve found that the blue chip lots are going for near or over the high estimate, hence my low success rate. I’m not willing to overpay for lots. I really like Heritage Auctions’ UI. I can see real time if I was outbid from other Internet bids and not wait for the actual auction. Plus, they have great people working there, always willing to accommodate my last minute request for local pick up.


Crush (+100)
Woodland Hills Wine Co.
Wine Club (SF)