Best Cookbook You've Recently Purchased

I love cookbooks and should probably focus on cooking from the ones I have, but I’m always interested in new books. I recently bought My Paris Kitchen by David Leibowitz. I enjoy his website and this is consistent with that approach. Its more memoir/ideas than a cook by numbers approach – which I like – so I enjoyed it.

Around My French Table by Dorie Greenspan

Good read. Tasty food.

Husk by Brock and especially Fire in Belly by Kevin Gillespie. The latter in particular is a great combo of old and new

The Food Lab - Kenji Lopez-Alt.

The Art of Cooking with Vegetables by Alain Passard.

I’ve read “The art of living according to Joe Beef: a cookbook of sorts” recently, I enjoyed it. It’s not new but worth a read imo.


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Since I’m on a sourdough kick, the first Tartine Bread book and Ken Forkish’s Flour, Water, Salt & Yeast.


Tacos: Recipes and Provocations. Not your ordinary Mexican cookbook.

Spice: Flavors of the Eastern Mediterranean by Ana Sortun. It’s a pain in the ass to look through because of the way it’s set up and lack of a better index, but it’s worth the trouble for the quality of the recipes. Her restaurant’s awesome too.

“Ottolenghi the cookbook” On a friends recommendation. Great photos and savory recipes. I’ve only tried half a dozen but each has been delicious.

Bill if you enjoy this book, i would strongly suggest checking out Yotam’s other books, “plenty” and “plenty more”. Great cookbooks as well. They are staple veggie idea starters in our house.

Meathead has been a great read (see below), although Adam Perry Lang’s “Charred and Scruffed” continues to be a favorite. Raichlen’s “Project Smoke” is mediocre on a good day, compared to the other two.
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Let me third that.

Current read On Food and Cooking - Harold McGee.

yeah, the last thing to have as much impact as The Food Lab, was the no-knead revelation “My Bread.”