Berserkers Blood Bath Virtual Offline, Sunday, June 14 2009

A big, bloody thank you to Mark Franks for this idea. Tomorrow is the premiere of Season 2 of True Blood on HBO. If you’re watching, pop something for the occasion and post notes here. There’s only one requirement:

It has to be RED.

Anybody have any of this:


I’m pretty vanilla (although not in the oaky sense) so I plan to stick to a nice, traditional CdP [wow.gif]

I’ll pull out one of my Beckmen reds - they usually have a good blood color to them, plus, Dietz thinks I bleed Beckmen anyway.

‘Sadly’ we’ll be in Albuquerque tomorrow afternoon drinking 12 Meursaults from over a decade’s worth of vintages. So we probably won’t be in the mood for more when we get home.

Dragon’s Blood:

Blood of Judas!

I’m too hung over to even contemplate wine tonight…

Hockey and Flannery beef really went to your head, eh? [drinkers.gif]

As did…

1992 Togni
1982 Talbot
1995 Cos
2003 Cos
2003 Pape Clement
2005 Fleur Cardinale
1996 Grange

how was the 92 Togni? ready already?

Still a baby. Would never have guessed 17 years old and Napa Cab.

I think I’ll open a Sleight of Hand “Archimage”

PT makes wine built for the long haul. i love 1992 for aging and figured that should be about entering the sweet spot. will go 25 i bet.

I’ve got a '95 that I wonder if it will ever be opened, as long as these seem to go!

I goofed and how. The '04 Jamet we’re drinking tonight would have been the perfect wine for tomorrow night. I didn’t decant it, but the bottle’s been open for a couple of hours. Each tiny pour, straight from the bottle, smells like quivering, bloody meat.

Red? I think I have some of those stashed somewhere.

I think I’ll drink this

Hello Kitty is appropriate, isn’t it?

Maybe because thinking there is a Hello Kitty wine makes me want to slit my wrists?

Oh Linda, that would have been so much more appropriate for season 1, when Sookie found her mutilated kitty cat impaled on a ceiling fan.

Last night I had a 2003 KL Dr Crane, 2002 Gemstone, 203 Gemstone Facets, 2001 Dunn Howell, as well as some others I did not note on. If I get a chance I will post notes on the above. The KL rocked, as did the 2002 Gemstone.