Berserkerfest 2.5 NYC --NEW WORLD RHONE (sans Aussie) TABLE

Ok, not too soon I guess.
Since my weekends can change quick, I will need some help/backup to run with the ball if I fall.

Mark F?

Anyhow, heres what I see so far:

Mike P +1
Mark J +1
Mark F +1
Bill L +1
Mike D +1
Steve E

No worries, I got your back.

Put me a plus one.

I’ll commit to the maggie of 2005 Alban Reva and a Central Coast white of some ilk…possibly a SQN Hoodoo Man or The Petition. And some bubbles to make Abooooood jealous.

Would anyone be offended if we brought a MAG of '04 Lillian Syrah? -mJ

Tex, I have the Hoodoo, Petition and the Body & Soul coming in next week. Whichever you bring, I’ll bring one of the others. I don’t have mags though of them.

If we are limited to mags only, I have less to offer. If we can do 750’s I have tons of great wine to ante up and don’t mind bringing a bunch of different ones…

I’ll be a +1, my wife Gina will probably join me for this one.

Mark J. Please clear that post as not to confuse.
(No where have I seen jay say Rhone Rangers, so I will wait to hear back).

If anyone else wants in this table, please say so here.


No intent to limit our selections to magnums…just wanted to bring the big Alban for a party scene.

Post cleared. I figured Jay was in for sure at this one with his James Berry comment. -mJ

Cool, then if that’s the case, I’ll bring an '02 Alban “Lorraine” and an '01 Sine Qua Non “Ventriloquist” as well as some other goodies.

PLEASE: Anyone else interested in this table MUST leave a post in this thread, after you have posted in Leo’s original thread about your overall participation…

Hey, I can’t be on the BB all the time. I’ve got to pay for all that stuff by occasionally working. I think we are going to have to have competing “real wine” tables because I need two seats. So I’m going to have to start another thread.

Mike D. +1 Mike - thanks!

Oh no! Not Eisenhauer again! Actually, that is a good thing, because after this event, I’ll be able to take a week off from my ab workout from laughing so darn hard with him. [rofl.gif] We were rollin’ on a few ocassions… -mJ

So the guy from Texas wants to throw down the gauntlet in MY thread? I’ll raise your magnum of JBV (which I also have but need for another purpose) with a DM of 1997 La Chapelle. [tease.gif] That’s what our two tables should do. None of this wimpy magnum and 750 crap they do at the Burgundy table. We should have a joint table DM event. I’ll call Abe Schoener and see if he can bottle me a DM of Scholium Scheria Syrah.

While you may have to compensate for other shortcomings by bringing a “bigger” bottle. We’ll just bring higher quality wine.

Ooooohhhh, nooooooo - Mr. Bill.

Someone please show him the notes from SLONYC #1. [help.gif]

I have had it three times so far and they have not been like the one from that OL. But in the spirit of teamwork, I can bag that and bring something else that will fit the bill.

I was half-kidding. But that bottle was frightening. Not as bad as the 2002 Shirvington at SLONYC #2. I hope your mag is better!

If a bottle of Napa Cab appears on our table, will anyone complain?

PMC or Levenberg.