Berserkerfest 1 Napa Addendum

Come on Linda, the group needs some ladies!

conversation 2 hours ago

me: should we include cris into the tasting
todd: omgyahtotallybff <3 <3 <3 <3

That being said, list is full. For meeting up with THE TODD


He’s so dreamy.

add my +1 to the wait list: her name is Joo Eun Lee

Anyone arriving thursday? I get into oakland at 11am.
I’m going to try and do two days of tastings. I figure few are coming in thursday so we can keep it relatively small and hit 1 or 2 places at the most. Limiting it to 4!


  1. Charlie Fu

The Todd meets The Todd???

i hope we make it to saturday cause the earth might explode on friday 11am.

For certain at least 100 will die at such a meeting of the Todds…let’s hope no more destruction befalls humankind.

I WILL come out the victor.

I think one is enough

We won’t be crushing yet, but I will be busy getting grape samples, checking sugars/pH’s, etc. Can’t really take extra days off. :frowning:

[welldone.gif] [rofl.gif]

Todd, I have met both of you. “The Todd” will eat your lunch. [berserker.gif]

Why, because he has a shotgun?


It’s like papers/scissors/rock. Rock smashes scissors. Shotgun smashes cello. Just sayin’ [tease.gif]

I hope that he is there for your visit. That is not a certainty by the way, the man travels alot to self promo…err sell his vino. He opens his pie hole and it just never closes.

he’s gonna be there. It will be epic. I just want to ride a ghost horse

Of course he’ll be there and here too !

Linda -
I don’t think I’ll be up there until Friday night, so if you want to go out Sat. earlier and do some tasting, I’ll tag along with you…we can tell all those Napa folks how awsome Paso is

Charlie, Plz add my +1 to Fridays waitlist

please add me to the Friday waitlist. pretty sure i can tweak my schedule 8/14 to attend the festivites!