BerserkerDay 15 - starting the process and discussion...(January 26th, 2024)

Yes, it’s time to start thinking about BerserkerDay 15!

This year it will NOT be on January 27th - for the first time - it will be the Friday BEFORE our ‘anniversary date’, January 26th (which, obviously, means Preview/Early Purchase will be January 25th, Thursday). The reasons are based on a mountain of data, clearly showing the traffic dips significantly each Saturday and Sunday (obviously people have no problem participating while on the clock at work!) so I’m moving it to the nearest workday to the actual anniversary.

I’ve already started a thread in Monopole Crü looking for Newbie Tasters - doing groups this time, when possible, so we have more of a variety in tasting reviews, getting a consensus that more accurately will serve the larger buying public.

We have a pile of Newbies who want to participate, as always, and I will be in contact with them soon about sending those samples. Likely I’ll only be able to include 10 or so, perhaps less.

For the first time, we’ll be vetting repeating sellers, with a committee of Berserkers. Given the scope of this event, we need to be sure the sellers are suitable for BD15, and the selection criteria will vary - from product popularity to community involvement to creative listings to BerserkerDay participation excellence to region or product being sold. Being selective will deliver the best possible product and control the quantity of sellers, as we’ve finally reached ‘too many’ last year.

Elin McCoy of Bloomberg is going to feature BerserkerDay in her January Top Shelf Newsletter as well, so we’ll, as always, welcome a bunch of new BerserkerDay buyers from that :slight_smile:

This thread will NOT serve as the Master Thread I always post, that will come later, but it’s good to start the chatter now.


I will gladly volunteer my services as advance taster, in case anyone needs help.

It figures that on my first BD as a retired person, Berserkerday falls on Saturday.


Everyday is Saturday for you now.




Have been thinking about BD15, this thread is perfectly timed, thank you for the update Todd! I’ll send you a recommendation for 1-2 new Napa Valley Micro-Producers to include this year a newbies as well. I can’t wait for the BD15 festivities!!


I think a long time berserker put it best.

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair.”


I think this is a great idea, FWIW.


Some just don’t work for whatever reason. Newbies have become a fun draw and embody the berserker spirit.

With “only” ~100 slots available it’s like trying to put 10 lbs of shit in a 5 lbs sack.


Interesting simile

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Cheese, please!


Berserkers love their cheese!

A berserker is working on a special cognac bottling for the 25th anniversary. We’ll see


15th anniversary…it’s in the name lol

(numbers are hard!)


Happy to be an advance taster.

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See the Monopole Crü forum for details on that

Maybe it’s gonna take 10 years to get the cognac bottled!


I would love for us to think about ways to reduce the environmental impact of our Berserkerism.

Would localized Berserker shipping hubs and pickup parties meaningfully reduce carbon footprint? It would also reduce money sent to UPS/FedEx and simply logistics for shippers.

Or just Flannery tofu…


Shipping (and who can put what in which box) is always an issue.

There’s always a BerserkerDay “ride share” post. I have split orders with nearby Berserkers for the last few years.


Yes, I’d LOVE this, but it’s simply not possible - each wine shipper has to be licensed as such and with very few exceptions cannot ship other producer’s wine, ergo, can’t consolidate, which would be awesome.

Best option is, as Patrick pointed out, coordinating orders with those near you

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Hanging on winebersekers is measured in dog years