Berserker Day Auction Item - $250 gift card from JJ Buckley CLOSED

A last minute auction:

JJ Buckley has just offered up a $250 gift card…Let the bidding begin…(ends at 12am EST)

Oh look, it’s started already, I bid $200!

This auction ends at 9 p.m. PST, midnight EST


Come on people, you can’t let Charlie get this thing with that douchy bid [wow.gif]

Sounds like the chinese are pretty good at deals too :smiley:

Did you mention the $2 shipping and Handling charge for the gift card… neener

All of china just had a moment of silence.

Charlie Fu with the winning bid, saving $1 off his next JJ Buckley order!!

should have kept it at my original $240. would have saved $10! or maybe it’s so late all the big ballas are sleeping and i could have gotten away with $210! damn me for being over eager