Hey Wine Berserkers, we’re thrilled to be back for our third Berserker Day and we’re super excited because we’re offering our brand new gummies that just came out last month! Powered by the latest clinical science and natural ingredients like milk thistle and matcha green tea, our gummies are designed to help restore key nutrients and support your liver whether you’re having one glass…or a few bottles because you splurged a little harder than you thought!
These gummies are brand new, having just been launched in December. Unlike our prior gummies, these new gummies are pectin based, which means they are vegetarian friendly and also unmeltable…leave them in your car on a summer day, and they’ll stand up to it! More importantly, these gummies feature our most robust active formulation yet, as we have further refined our formula based on feedback from our scientific advisor Dr. Joris Verster, founder of the Alcohol Hangover Research Group and principal investigator at the division of pharmacology at Utretcht University. We’ve added a new active ingredient in Red Ginsgeng, and made some other tweaks that should make this our most potent active formula to date! There are ten, single serve pouches in every carton because just like great wine, our gummies are designed to be shared.
That’s pulled straight out of the Amazon dashboard, so it looks like the listing is set up properly. Would you mind trying again and if messes up again, send me a screenshot? Then I’ll go raise hell with Amazon!
Sure Zac! So our gummies are designed to do a couple of things, as I said. The first is restoring nutrients. That’s stuff like zinc, niacin, etc., which are compounds used by the body to metabolize alcohol. One of the things that clinical science has revealed, particularly over the past decade, is that alcohol’s negative effects on the body are just that…alcohol’s (there was a theory for a while that it was other toxic byproducts, particulary one called acetaldehyde, that did the damage, but it turns out no, it’s really the alcohol). So our gummies are designed to provide the body with the basic nutrients it uses in breaking down alcohol. Less time in your bloodstream, less time for it to cause any negative impacts, at least that’s the thinking.
The second half of it is closely related to that, and that’s anti-inflammatories, things like milk thistle, prickly pear, matcha green tea, etc. These are all natural compounds that clinical science has shown reduce alcohol’s inflammatory effects. That is one of the basic ways that alcohol damages our body, and clinical science over the last 15 or so years has indicated its also what leads to a rough next morning; basically, it’s sort of a similar biological pathway as a flu. Alcohol gets into your bloodstream and travels throughout your body provoking inflammation, your body perceives this as an “attack” and unleashes an immune response; clinical studies have shown the bigger that “response” the worse we tend to feel the next day. Just like a flu, it’s not alcohol that causes the headache, or the nausea, it’s our immune system. Hence the goal with the anti-inflammatories is to reduce the inflammation, thus reducing the perceived “attack”, thus reducing the “response”, and thus improving how you feel the next day.
For your liver specifically, throughout all of this, it’s your liver doing the heaviest lifting. Your liver is responsible for breaking down around 90% of the alcohol you consume. Everything discussed above (metabolizing alcohol, inflammation, etc), the center of activity for all of that is in your liver.
That is truly bizarre. I’ve opened a case with Amazon Support, on my end everything shows up correctly so I have zero idea how this is happening. Grrrrrr!
I figured it out! It looks like Amazon had its own discount in there that we have no control over (that’s the weird 4% thing some people are finding). What you’re looking for is this discount towards the bottom of my screenshot:
In my own experience, I’ve found these to be helpful if you have the alcohol flush reaction behavior (ALDH2 deficiency)… not completely, but it can help attenuate those effects. I haven’t tried the updated formula yet, but I’ve got a box of it ready to go.
Let me know Tom. I would think the new version should be even more effective for that issue due to a couple of formula tweaks, but real world feedback is gold!
To answer a question I received: the serving size is now 3 gummies, rather than the 5 as was the case with older versions. I recommend taking the gummies before drinking, I tend to take them about 15-20 minutes before my first drink, but you can absolutely take them later they will just be less and less efficacious the longer you wait (as the longer you wait, the longer the headstart alcohol will have).