Psyched to refill on the SB. Loved the 2010, wish I had bought more than 1.
As for reds, I am still sitting on everything except one bottle of Dolinsek I bought retail. Of 2009 Lorenzo’s, Griffin’s, Old Lakeville, and T Block, which should I sacrifice next to get some more impressions? Or one of the 2010s from the recent release?
I still personally believe Bedrock releases its reds too early. The 2010 base syrah, which I tried a couple of weeks ago, and the 2009 Stehlwegen Zin, which I popped and consumed over the last 2 days, were both remarkably primary to me. Both very, well, “grapey” would be the word I use. The 2008 syrahs are drinking beautifully.
I’ve tasted this wine twice, once out of barrel and once out of bottle. It’s definitely not your typical Bedrock syrah. Very much lightweight but highly perfumed. I wonder if this, or the small production is causing Morgan a conundrum on how to release it. I understand releasing 150 magnums of Bedrock Vineyard Syrah generated quite a lot of hate mail from some of his 1900+ active list members.
Twice I tried to get Morgan to sell me a bottle on the side (and failed both times).
Agree 100% with the assessment of the 2010 SC Syrah…pleasant enough, but at this point pretty much a one note song. Gonna let them age quite a bit.
This is my second order ever so don’t really have any experience with the rest of the lineup. What are the SBs like? Are they full-bodied & fleshy or nervy and citric? Had a Fiddlehead SB (I know, Santa Ynez…not the same location at all) about a year and a half ago that absolutely hit my spot. Are the Bedrocks at all similar?
I love the Bedrock wines overall, but I’ve encountered this “grapey” condition a couple of times as well with Bedrock Zins. We had that Stellwagen in September and poured half of it out after 2 days. It was grapey…but left sort of a medicine-like “finish”. Haven’t tried another Stellwagen since so hoping it was only that bottle. I guess I will let it sit another year or so. In any event, I’m looking forward to the upcoming release!
The ‘10 Monte Rosso is drinking wonderfully right now. Best zin of his I’ve had so far.
Looking forward to the rose’. The last two releases were so good.
I’ve found the Bedrock zins (including the field blends, which to my mind are also zins) cover a wide range of styles, from jammy and smooth to spicy and aromatic. I can see how certain bottles won’t appeal to everybody, but they express the vineyard and the vintage. I’ve found Morgan’s descriptions always paint a clear picture of the style, so some careful reading is very helpful when purchase decisions.
Based on what I’ve been hearing, the '11 MRV will also be one you don’t want to miss.
I would say full-bodied and fleshy, and to my palate a little heavy for what I’m looking for in SB. The '10 was said to be lighter and more elegant than the '09, but it was so damn cold here last summer I never even got to the 2010 releases of this or the rosé, so my comments relate to the '09.
I’ve enjoyed every single zin and heirloom blend Morgan has made. Definitely many styles, but all in their own way very much worth the price.
For the up coming mailer it looks like I’ll concentrate on the white SB and rose. Both were delicious in 2010 and I’d be happy with a case of each in 2011 if they are of similar quality.
I think I’m starting to amass a little too much Cali Syrah (all Bedrock) where I have not found a comfort zone in the past. Looks like whites and rose’ this time around. And I still have a bottle of the 2010 Lulu left to consume!