Be Better, Fellow Berserkers

I’ve enjoyed reading this board almost every day for almost as long as it has existed. Despite the frequent conspiracy theories and uninformed speculation casually spewed about by too many posters, I’ve learned a great deal from some members (such as Otto Forsberg, Robert Dentice, and many others) whose posts are based on facts, logic, or firsthand information.

Today alone, three separate unsubstantiated accusations of nefarious behavior were spouted against some of the frequent targets by several different posters.

The number one wine conspiracy of all-time:

“rating is based on one critical factor: Advertising dollar…How many years in the past say 10 years, has there been no Antinori wines in the top 10?”

“Do folks believe the consistent year over year presence of certain producers and brands (antinori, certain bordeaux, south america, US) - ones that have a large presence also in the in magazine advertising - is a pure coincidence?”

Another favorite board whipping boy:

“Every couple of years Galloni picks a sacrificial lamb to prove his telling-it-straight chops, all while pumping up the vast majority of everything else. In the past Monprivato Barolo comes to mind. Looks like this year it’s Ridge’s turn in the barrel.”

“I had the same exact reaction to his review. I thought there was a 50/50 chance the was is truly tainted vs him trying to make a point when I first read it.”

Presumably uninformed speculation the poster is certain about:

“I’m certain that they’ve adjusted the margin targets on wine considerably. It’s been an across the board shift over the last 12 months. Costco loves to have that 15% flat message out there in popular press, but it varies considerably by category (as is true in any retail business).”

With such suspicion about the motives of people they don’t know, it’s no wonder false information and conspiracy theories hold sway in society in other areas, in addition to wine. I wish people would be more responsible and informed when they level accusations.


manage expectations

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Ratings for dollars?

I’m used to deep state conspiracies.

For this conspiracy, what rhymes with ‘state’ that we could use?


We all know Bill Gates is behind rigging wine reviews at a global scale!

On a more serious note, then you are going to be disappointed. It is a very noble post, but we are talking about human beings here. Just enjoy Otto’s unlimited need to correct people, I sure do :smile:


Learn to use the “Ignore” function and do just that. Starting a thread with quotes is the opposite of ignore.


You are doing this yourself… have you even tried the Monprivato or know the backstory there? Or just view rhe motives of people you don’t know with such suspicion…


A common underlying thread in two of your examples is greed or at least the pursuit of money. I think it’s pretty apparent that we live in an age where these things rule.


Wine is a business… naive to think otherwise


Exactly. Which is why even though those examples may be inaccurate (I have no idea), they aren’t really far fetched. For instance, there are plenty of examples out there of paying for positive press.

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To the Costco point (which I posted). You only have to look to Costco’s own 10K SEC filings to see that this fixed GM % is not written in stone. Heck, if they ran that % in food, they’d lose money hand over fist to spoilage.

I’ll admit my assertion is more anecdotal than rooted in any deep study of a larger dataset. You have me there. But seriously, look at the 2019s relative to W-S lows and then the 2020s. The Costco thread documents this well. And sure, I don’t have Costco’s own cost data, but the dramatic shift upward toward market pricing is evident in case after case.


We are all just puppets on strings controlled by the hidden hand of the Toddfather as he carries out his master plan.



With all due respect to the OP, I also think the issues raised in this topic are such a small fraction of chatter to almost be completely irrelevant to me. We just need to focus on the overall good that this amazing forum does. And it is populated by some truly amazing, cultured, civilized, and wonderful people. I participate as well. :wink:


Sir, this is an Arby’s.


So you assume berserkers are better or different than the masses?


As a constant lurker and occasional poster, I treat conspiracy theories and arguments not grounded with facts, the same way I treat them in life or with the news cycle, I completely ignore them or avoid threads/articles altogether. I understand the sentiment for folks to be better, but the reality is that you will never get everyone on the same page and that’s just how it goes.

While I don’t have evidence to validate this, I can’t imagine any of the examples of conspiracy in this thread materially impact Wine Spectator or Vinous. WBers reading such posts probably already believe the conspiracy or don’t and just ignore the thread or comment. I could be wrong though…


I think the OP vastly underestimates the ability of Berserkers to reason for themselves. This is an open forum, your going to get a diverse array of viewpoints. Sort through 'em yourself.


Even given all the evidence to the contrary?! :berserker:


I will give you an LOL on that :slight_smile:

At one time, I had hope they might be. My mistake, apparently.


You know, I have a brain implant that always pings me when somebody is posting incorrect or inaccurate stuff on WB.

Which is why my ears are ringing on a constant basis.