Bdx Parcel Lot Offering

I just received an email offer about a special parcel lot. $185,000 for the lot:

31 OWC Bordeaux.

95 Angelus
03 Angelus x 2
95 Ausone
00 Ausone
03 Ausone x 2
00 Cheval Blanc x 2
03 Cos d’Estournel x 2
00 Haut Brion
03 Haut Brion x 2
03 Lafite Rothschild
03 Latour x 2
03 LLC x 2
95 Margaux
00 Margaux
03 Margaux x 2
03 Mondotte x 2
00 Mouton Rothschild
03 Mouton Rothschild x 2
03 Pavie x 2


I’ll give him 2k, cash.

That still equates to nearly $600 a bottle. Some very nice wines that still need many years. Offer them to Bordeaux Boy on" onclick=";return false; He is the one with the reddish hair.
You can figure out the bald one.

I wonder if the price is negotiable. The odd thing is that accompabying the email was a short blurb about the First Growth 100 Index and that the Index has dropped approximately 25% since March 08. Not exactly great advertising for a collection they are trying to sell as investment. Or to someone who likes to entertain, I suppose.


This did not sell. I just received an email from the seller that the individual cases from the lot are now being offered.