Bad Behavior from entitled 25 year old wine influencer

:rofl:…… but the grumpy old men do understand this very well. This is a very old profession in a new, attenuated form.


You’re alluding to her being a prostitute? Clearly don’t understand it at all


Influencing in general. No specific claim regarding her except for her obnoxiousness.


I concur.

Knowledge is good.


A sizable portion of today’s society admires these people and their behavior. Others like me try to avoid the social media influencer world as much as possible.

I guess the world will keep turning either way.

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The world seems to be moving in the direction that was described in the movie “Idiocracy”.


Holding your selfie stick and saying shockingly stupid stuff is not hard. I’d be happy to get paid to do stuff like that, but instead, I choose to do real work.


I’m sure her grind is unreal.

You young punks think vapid money making is beyond reproach?

Is “Shut up, she makes big money” your millennial’s defense against idiocy?

Yellow Tail probably has an unreal grind, too. Go drink it! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Social media is ruining society. This is just a small sliver of the carnage.


I think that’s a cop out because it fails to address the substance of the content creation. First, I understand from some diligence after you and I chatted that she is followed largely for her storytime videos and podcasts in which she dramatically hyperbolizes situations she’s been in for entertainment purposes. Not uncommon for entertainment. But I understand it can also be painful when it’s at your expense and so feel for the tour guide.

But I don’t think you can see a bunch of people ragging on a situation like this and just write off the legitimacy of their observations because they’re “just grumpy old men [who] yell at sky for people making money in ways they don’t understand.”

Radio shows and tv shows are similarly difficult to make. Based on your logic, we should celebrate Alex Jones for putting out damaging, divisive, factually incorrect information that influences people to treat others horribly, to believe in conspiracies and lies. Hey, there really is no doubt that Alex Jones’s grind was out of this world, and I doubt most here appreciate how he developed so many income streams for his business.

Just because you work hard to make money doesn’t mean you are entitled to respect, universally, for your behavior or your content. And when you intentionally live in the public eye and publish your life, you’re welcoming commentary and scrutiny.

And let’s face it. This is probably a windfall for her, and she’ll be trending and have a revenue bump from all of the publicity.


You nailed it.


(pardon the language in the clip)

What is “grind” in this context.


50% of Americans would vote for her. She’s telling it like it is.

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The ability to grind money out of as little content as possible.


you’re the only one I think that’s thought deeply enough past the fact that she’s an “influencer” and her content.

the rest of the complaints here are typical “old man yells at sky”

Like below.

That all being said - making the comparison to Alex Jones is far too extreme.I think that most of us can agree - a hour long vineyard tour is not high on many people’s lists of things to do when visiting wineries. Her response was of course incredibly brash, but nothing worse than in our text chains


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Yeah, it’s not like she’s making wines we love unaffordable.


How am I old man yelling at clouds???

Why has basic manners become something you need to ask for?

Or how about not being drunk 24 hours a day?

What would you do if this was your kid behaving this way???