Austrian acronym "1ÖTW" - ???

Does anyone know what the acronym “1ÖTW” stands for?

It often appears in conjunction with “Erste Lage”, which seems to translate roughly as “1st Growth” or “1er Cru” [although it literally translates to “First Position”, like what a little girl learns in ballet or Suzuki violin].

But I was wondering if the “ÖTW” had any further significance, as being an acronym for something or other?


I suppose the “Ö” might very well be for “Österreichisch”, and the “W” for Wein, and that would just leave the “T” up for grabs.

Österreichische Traditionsweingüter

Here’s a good description in English. Note that this from a few years ago, so I do not think the number of estates and classified sites are not accurate. Also note that none of these estates/sites are in the Wachau. The Wachau has its own classification and group of vintners, the Vinea Wachau.

ÖTW translates into Austrian Traditional Wine-Estates … and the “1” is for First Growth" or 1st vineyard/site.
However it s important to know that these apply only for members of the association, and only in 6 regions in Lower Austria and Vienna (excl. Wachau). There are some 80 1-vineyards.
Not a bad thing per se, but if this designation is missing it doesn’t mean anything at all …

Another good explanation:


As of 2010, it looked like Heiligenstein was where all the Kool Kidz wanted to be.

Is it safe to say that Heiligenstein is the best vineyard in this Traditionsweingüter Österreich association?

And one last question: Does anyone have a good translation for the word “Ried” in this context?

The translations I am seeing are “Reed” or “Marsh” [presumably the marsh where the reeds would grow].

I’m not sure how that would apply to a steeply terraced vineyard, unless maybe “Ried” were the very bottom terrace, right at the edge of the water?


It’s just basically location or vineyard.

“Ried” means simply a vineyard with a designated name, like climat in Burgundy.
The word comes from “roden” = to clear woods for growng vines … “Ried” is actually a clearing for a vineyard.

and the word »Ried« is Austrian – the Germans do not use it, as far as i know

Zöbinger Heiligenstein – not so holy as the name would indicate – in the Kamptal
is unique for its 270 million-yearold reddish-brown Permian sandstone & feldspar –
a great Riesling site

the hot spot (literally) for GV in the neighbourhood is Ried Lamm, nearby in Kammern

I agree: Heiligenstein for Riesling and Lamm for Grüner Veltliner are probably the greatest sites in Kamptal.

Exceptionel good producers IMO: Hirsch, Schloss Gobelsburg and Jurtschitsch.

Jurtschitsch got appreciably better real fast when Fritz Hasselbach’s daughter Steffi from Nackenheim (Rheinhessen) married Alwin J
and the new generation took over from Alwin’s dad long about 2008

Now that’s fascinating - I’m looking at the conjugations & declensions for “roden” in formal German, and I’m not seeing anything other than rode/gerodet/rodete - nothing that looks like “ried”.

On the noun side, I’m seeing “uprooting, grubbing, clearing, clearing operations, clearing work, clearing and grubbing, stripping”.

And on the verb side, I’m seeing “to clear” & “to stub”.

That picture which the Leindl family has on their website certainly looks like a jungle which would need to be cleared:

It’s about the greenest vineyard picture I’ve ever seen.

Maybe I better not say anything more than that.

That’s all true about “roden” today, but Ried and roden share a root. Duden, the German equivalent of Merriam-Webster, lists the etymology of Ried as “mittelhochdeutsch riet = gerodetes Stück Land” ("Middle High German ‘riet’ = cleared piece of land)

Correct, it 's an old German word, maybe 500+ years old …

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