AUCTION: Liquid Farm 2013 Chardonnay Magnums - 3 bottle Horizontal

Donor: Nikki & Jeff @ LF
Value: $360
MinBidIncr: $5
Auction closes 10:30pm ET 1/30/16

A Horizontal of LF Chardonnay Magnums;
1 x 2013 White Hill
1 x 2013 Golden Slope
1 x 2013 FOUR

Mags will ship late Feb/early March.










hmmm, this may get interesting $325.

Thank you guys for the bids!! lets raise some funds for the boards!!! [drinkers.gif]


Hmmm - gonna have to think about this. My lack of storage is someone else’s benefit! [wow.gif]

Thomas and Joe - not trying to bully you out. Happen to love the wines and my wine stem sales today make we want to give back. I’m in Atlanta and DFW often enough…if this goes my way - would love to share these with you!

No problem, Chris. Not sure there’s ever a bully in an auction. There’s just someone who wants it more.
I have quite a bit of LF wines already…but yet there’s time left, too.

Either way - if you’re in town, we can pop a cork of yours or mine. :slight_smile:

Well, now that we know that your willing to really pay big… champagne.gif

Thomas - I’m only willing to pay what I’m willing to pay, big or small. [cheers.gif]
Ahh…sometime life’s decisions are so difficult, but yet may be so insignificant, decided by a feeling of a moment. What was the last bid?

Ahhh…there it is. $355.

Joe, touche. I should have been clearer, my jest was directed at Chris.

$360 neener