Ask Jancis Robinson a question(s)

So, I’m having a meeting/tasting with her next week. She’s in Oregon for maybe a day and this seems to be a check in on Oregon wineries that distribute in England and what wines are in/coming to that market.

I loathe sitting there and simply bantering about each wine and I’m not huge on talking about myself. I don’t have a subscription to her site but I have read stuff from her but I’m definitely not well versed in the history of and opinions of JR. I will definitely do some research over the weekend.

I do think it’s more interesting to ask people about themselves. Any suggestions for a few good questions to help pass the time and make things more about people and less about all things wine?


Ask if she thinks you have pretty eyes.

Don’t need to. :flushed:

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You sly dog.


Do ask about favourite foods / any good meals eaten recently.
Don’t ask about Ch Pavie 2003


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A bit obvious perhaps, but ask for her take on state of Bordeaux ( wrt Kelley’s article; and she has views about tasting en primeur)

The great thing about Jancis, is she won’t hold back her thoughts on any subject, I had a couple of discussions with her in the past, and even though I do not agree with all of her opinions she will at least say it as it is.

My question:

In which region/country will the most exciting Pinot Noir be produced from in 20-30 years. Sounds boring but I still would like to have her answer :slight_smile:


Since the jury is still out on exactly what caused PreMox in white burgundy does she think it will reappear in the future?


Does she have any contacts at Screaming Eagle to grease the wheels for a friend of a friend who wants to visit via helicopter?


I am fascinated when serendipity and synchronicity turns the apparently random walk of our early adult lives onto a certain path and then keeps turning up as we move/progress along that path.


Listen to her recent interview on the podcast ‘Grape Nation’ for an idea about her recent thoughts. She is fond of Oregon wines. She thinks deeply about sustainability, regenerative viticulture, and wine business carbon footprint. Enjoy your discussion with Jancis.


This is a subset of the impact of climate change.
Which less fashionable regions will improve
Eg England (beyond bubbles) , Nova Scotia??
And the converse. Chablis no longer cool climate??

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Having tasted a lot of English wine a few years back, I do think English wine can succeed, with the limestone soil of south east I do see potential. However I feel we are quite a few years/decades away from really challenging Burgundy/Champagne.

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Does she experience imposter syndrome?

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Who is her favorite rapper and the rap lyric she thinks of most often?


We may finally put the whole East Coast / West Coast thing to bed here.


I was thinking, maybe, what’s her favorite bourbon?

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Has she met Luke Newton, and if not, what would she hope she would say if she did?

Was she really flirting with Didier Dagueneau on her TV series? :smiley:

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