Arnot-Roberts Spring Release

Sounds like it might be on your side, try calling them up. I’ve logged in several times today.

I’m having the same problem with an IMac, trying several different browsers. Might be on “my side”, but I’ve been able to order a fair amount of wine from everybody else over the last couple of weeks:)!

I just logged into the site again to test it with no problems. Did you click the link on the email they sent you or did you just try going to the AR website but couldn’t? Worst case, call them tomorrow and order. Try emptying your cache/temp/history and then reboot and try again via the link on the email.

I’ve been having problems on and off but finally did get my order in.

Ordered two of each syrah this morning. No problem.


Thanks for the tips. I tried both the link as well as typing “” into multiple browsers on my Mac. Ditto IPad. Cleared cache / reboot, problem remains - can’t connect to Arnot Roberts server.

So, took to the Iphone, turned off WiFi, and connected via ATT 4G to place the order.

So, I guess there’s something on my end, either my home network (most likely) or Comcast ISP, but I’m scratching my head. I do a fair amount of Ecommerce purchases and haven’t run into this before.

Thanks again,

I have also failed to see my allocation other than on my handheld.

The issue isn’t your home computer. It’s the AR server blocking your IP address - I’ve seen similar issues with other wineries discussed on this board. AR needs to fix it on their end.

Hadn’t thought of that. That makes sense.

I found it impossible to connect at work, at home it was very slow and took multiple tries.

Website won’t load for me either. Will have to try from another computer/phone

Agree, also had the same experience. I ultimately just called and placed the order, but even then I couldn’t view the receipt on their website, in fact I couldn’t get onto their website at all; they emailed me the receipt. I think they are aware of the problem, but perhaps not sure how widespread it is.

Agree with the above suggestions. Just access through your mobile phone or ipad 4G network and there are no issues.

Tried two computers at work today, fail X 2.

I got my order in on a 4G equipped iPad. Nothing can keep me away from that Syrah! flirtysmile

Maybe my waitlisting 400 bottles crashed the system?

Yes, next time please order by the barrel!

In for two bottles of Clary Ranch and two bottles of old vine white

Interesting. Could login from my phone a couple days ago but not now. Shows me for waiting til the weekend. Have to find another access point I guess, judging from the posts.

I called Jenn at A-R yesterday to place my order. They completely realize the problem is on the their end. It has something to do with being on a new domain that has their new ip address blocked by many of our internet providers.

Or something like that. Anyway I bought a mixed case including my Clary Ranch Mag.