App for corkage fees

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Good post. Sadly they don’t have an Android app, so I haven’t been able to use it. But I should have posted about it for others to enjoy.

I haven’t looked at it in a while. Never seemed to have restaurants I was interested in.

It didn’t work too well on my iPhone. It’s giving me Ft. Lauderdale restaurants when I’m in Bellingham, WA. Any local spot I search draws a blank. I’ll try when I’m in a bigger city. Thanks for the link.


Good idea of an app but 0 entry for NYC right now. If the devs want the app to gain some traction, seems like they need to populate some entries for the bigger cities (or pay someone to do that).

I can log in. I change my password and try to login and it says invalid. Three tries. Not worth the effort.

Hi All, I’m the owner of the app. I started the app because I’m big into BYOW. Long story short, I had a development company manage the app and there were some issues in the past but were addressed this year. If you wouldn’t mind checking out the newest version of the current app to see if the issues you noted were addressed, that would be appreciated. I’m exploring rebuilding the app along with creating an Android version. It’s not an easy lift as it’s a free app. I’d like to get everyone’s feedback on what they would like to see in a new version. I’m a half bottle into a Cakebread cab and looking forward to your feedback!


I just opened the app again. There weren’t many restaurants listed when I searched where I’m visiting (Southeast Florida), but when I put in a specific restaurant in Delray, it pulled it up. I’ll add the corkage fee tonight. I think it will be a great tool once enough users enter the restaurants and corkage fees. I’ll do my share.
One comment: when searching for “restaurants”, the results included multiple grocery stores and markets. I suspect the number restaurants listed will improve as users enter them, but it would be nice if the search eliminated business for whom corkage does not apply (e.g. Publix).
Thanks for starting this app! I have high hopes, and wish you success.


Seems to be more restaurants listed then there were in the past but still low numbers in the areas I searched.