Anyone in CA want to let me come hunt on your property/vineyard?

Maybe you’ve seen the “I like to shoot furry animals” thread. I like to shoot innocent furry animals and pair them with great wines..... - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers

Anyway, I love to hunt, forage, cook, eat and drink wine. So does my wife. Unfortunately, we are like most CA hunters seeking access to good hunting lands (private). While there are fair opportunities on public lands, they typically aren’t as good as private. If you have access and would interested in helping us out we would be most grateful. Spring turkeys are almost done, but deer is right around the corner (almost) and of course there always natures favorite roto-tiller the wild hog.

Shoot me a PM if there is a possiblity. We can discuss full details privately such as rules, timing, liablity waiver, method of take or any other questions you may have.

Here are a couple write-ups from Richard Jennings surrounding our hunting and gathering adventures.
Wild and Gamey Wild and Gamey OL at the Youngs' (Yquem, Musar, Goubert, SQN and more) - CellarTracker
Morel Mushroom Madness v1.0 Morel Mushroom Madness at the Plumed Horse - CellarTracker
Morel Mushroom Madness v2.0 2nd Annual J.R. & Renee Morel Madness Dinner - CellarTracker
Wild Boar Chop Dinner Wine Dinner at J.R. and Renee's with Wild Boar Chops - CellarTracker

JR, I like your approach. Best to be up front and jump in there. I do a lot of swap hunting and have met some nice folks on Monster Muleys and Bighorn Outdoors websites. Sometimes you can find ranchers who need some pigs killed on their property, they’ve really increased their numbers in our area in the past couple of years. Best of luck to you.

Thanks Casey. Paul and Stefania say we’d get along well.

Hopefully something will come along, I just have to keep asking.

I’m headed to Northern BC this fall with my Dad to hunt elk, moose, and maybe a caribou or a mountain goat if opportunity provides. I’m guessing I won’t have any issues with filling my freezer this year, but would love to throw a blacktail in the mix too.

We live right in Healdsburg- but since my dog passed away we have been ovverrun by cats. Not “big game”- but we sure could use some help.

If you can take out the #%&@ing moles. Everytime I try to shoot them I jerk the trigger and shoot a foot over the varmit into my neighbor’s yard. He’s getting pissed.

Bob, sounds like you need a good trigger job :wink:

I’d love the target practice, but im not one for eating rodents.

JR - I’ve always found that having someone hunt my property to be a good deal for keeping the white tail deer and turkey populations in check and providing new meat(trimmed & wrapped) for the freezer. The meat not only comes from our property kills but from other places our hunter travels. Just the other day he stopped by to give me venison, boar, and pheasant. This past year I have been the lucky recipient of clams, cod, lobster, duck, elk, bear, turkey, & the others mentioned above. If you’re making that kind of deal, and you check out okay, I would think that landowners in your parts would jump all over it. By the way we do exchange raw and processed veggies & fruit in return. Its a great deal all around…Good luck, Gary

That is the type of relationship I am looking for. In addition to my hunting advenutres my wife and I like to forage for wild mushrooms (morels, chanterelles and porcini) and occasionally fish. I love to share the bounty. As mentioned before I hope to have a freezer, probably two filled with elk and moose from my trip to BC this fall. I’m also willing to donate labor around a ranch or vineyard as well. Ultimately I’m looking for a mutually beneficial relationship where we can help eachother out.