Another reminder on the REAL NAMES POLICY (check to be sure you are in compliance)

We have a few members here who flag others for not complying with the real names policy, and since the software transfer left a few long-time members without full compliance, I figured I’d start a new thread on it, as everybody should (and easily CAN) check if they are in compliance, and make changes where necessary.

Just click your profile pic, navigate to the profile section at the bottom of the list, click ‘Preferences’

You’ll quickly find your username, profile picture, email, and ‘Name’, which, if your username does NOT contain your complete and full name, outlines that ‘Name’ must be ‘Your FULL, REAL name, first and last’

Since the old software had options for signatures this new software does not, some had their ‘real/full name’ in their signature, so they are lacking full name in this section. Please make those changes.

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