Another Great Valtellina : 2005 Nino Negri "Le Tense" Valtellina Superiore

A repeat trip today to Osteria dei Binari.
This is such a great little wine.

2005 Nino Negri “Le Tense” Valtellina Superiore

A ruby color like Barolo to me. The nose is dark fruit and spice. Primary nebbiolo. The palate is wonderfully balanced with lots of fruit and great underlying acidity. The tannins are supportive here. More complexity here than the Fay. Fabulous length for what this is. 35 euro off the list.

thanks, Don. I’m still relying on some 01/02 Sertoli Salis for my Valtellina fixes… does this use any ripasso grapes?

It is not a ripasso style wine unless it says sforzo or sfurzat.
My understanding is that the Valtellina Superiore wines are made in a traditional manner.
You have some nice wines with those Salis bottles.

Don, I think Sertoli Salis uses a small portion, say 1/4, of ripasso grapes, in their Valtellina “Corte Meridiana”

Sfurzat (or Amarone) and ripasso are two different animals.
With sfurzat you air dry the grapes before you start making wine.
With ripasso you take a lighter wine and add the lees and skins of the sfurzat (or any “better” wine) with the goal of further extraction.

Emilio – the label for the 01 Conti Sertoli Salis Valtellina Superiore “Corte della Merdiana” says “con rinforzo di uve appassite” – is he saying reinforced with dried grapes?

Good info, guys, always confused about these wines.

Yes, that would mean a ripasso style with skins from sfurzat.