Annoying Amazon pop up. Add, or Malware?

Took me almost 20 clicks to get this note in. Ipad user.

Todd, is this what you need?
Ive got shut down 11 times this morning.

These are local viruses, not on the server. There are a bunch of articles about this malware on the web:

You need to run virus/malware scans on your own system to rid them of this - it’s not on our server. When I saw that Subscribers were seeing it, I knew it was not on our system, as they are blocked from ALL ads on the forum. This particular ‘Amazon gift card’ virus seems most prevalent in Apple systems with ad blockers, ironically.

It’s the Russians!

Does anyone know how to do this? Please?

The articles Todd cited have fixes in them.

I only get the Amazon pop up on my iPad. None of these articles address how to get rid of it on an iPad. Any help would be appreciated.

Hm. Don’t think you can view source from an iPad.

Is this happening to anyone outside of their iPad? I’m typing this in my iPads, havent hadany issues

Never happened on my computers at work or home. Only my iPad.

If you’re using Safari as your web browser on your iPad, then Apple’s suggested fix is to update to the latest version of iOS. If that doesn’t work, then go to Settings > Safari and tap on Clear History and Website Data. Bear in mind that you’ll have to re-enter log-ins for every website where those had been saved to Safari…

you need to call comcast

It’s in your Safari on the device.

Since this thread started on 12/2 and it’s happening on ipads, there’s a good chance it’s related to this:

For those having this problem, are you running ios 11.1? If that’s the case you may have to hold your nose and upgrade to the hastily pushed 11.2 release or do one of the workarounds.

The ios 11.x release has been a disaster, especially for those with older devices, and reminiscent of the bad old days with Windows… I’ve held off on upgrading my iPad from 10.x, and I’m glad I did.

Can’t wait to see you this week so you can fix both issues for me.

It’s back.
Best, Jim

Here’s how I solved it on iPad. It’s not a virus on your device. You don’t need to call Comcast. I believe it’s something in the ad system being used on bulletin board sites. What seems to happen is that it quickly loads through different pages so that it fills your history. Then when you try to go back, you think you’re going back to the page you were on, but in fact you’re still on the ad site. You’d have to go back a lot, to get back to where you were.

Essentially you can block that domain.

  1. Turn on Restrictions: Settings > General > Restrictions
    You’ll need to set a passcode for Restrictions if you haven’t turned this on before.

  2. In the Allowed Content section, go to Websites. Turn on “Limit Adult Content”

  3. Under “Never Allow”, use “Add a Website…” and enter the domain of the popup. From post #42, that will be:
    There may be other sites. I have a block for in mine.

The ad spamming will still try to occur if you encounter it, but Safari halt it and tell you that you tried to access a blocked page. Now you can just go back once and be where you were.

Todd - oddly that link sends me to a NY Times article unrelated to this issue.

“Ditching Pop-Up Ads and Scareware Alerts on the iPad”

That’s the title of the article - that’s unrelated to the problem you experience on your iPad?

This belongs in Asylum, does it not?

site wide issue for some users, maximum eyes on it would be helpful with more data points.