Andremily #6

very surprised (and happy) that on my very first offer I was granted my wish-list for a mag of the EABA, yay!

Ben, I know this response is late but in the future if you want these wines (or any wines where they don’t deliver to MD,) have them shipped to a DC Fedex location. This is particularly helpful if you are interested in K&L as a wine source…I buy on their auction site (only 5% buyer’s premium, priority overnight shipping is quite reasonable) regularly and am glad for DC Fedex offices!

thank you for this, big help.
this is [sales] tax free as well, correct?

Yes, you are correct. No sales tax for out of state shipments. Considering 10% tax in DC, if you are making a large purchase, the shipping cost is mitigated by the lack of sales tax. I always have them ship overnight priority- it isn’t a huge bump from 2-day air. K&L must have a sweet deal with fedex because I was surprised at how inexpensive this option is. With overnight priority the shipment arrives by 1030 am. I usually plan to be at fedex by 11, then take the bottles home and put them in my cellar, but even if you are coming from baltimore and it sits in the fedex office for several hours, it’s better than sitting on a truck in heat and/or cold.

Just realized (through a retailer email) the #6 was rated 100 by JD. Haven’t opened one yet but looking for an occasion soon to try. Popped a ‘17 mourvedre back in May and loved it.

Has the EABA shipped to anyone yet for initial impressions?

I asked them at the start of the month re EABA shipping, and they replied saying est. Mid-October.
Ive got some #6 but haven’t opened yet!

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