All winemakers a great people

In a lot of wine threads, i frequently see folks post seemingly random comments about what a great person the winemaker is. It got me thinking that you never see "I like the wine he makes, but he is a complete and utter tool.

So i guess all winemakers must be awesome.

never met him, but Charles Smith of K Vintners isn’t universally adored, from what I hear. Nor was Martin Ray back in the 1940’s and 50’s.

I’d have to say that nearly all the winemakers I know are really good people, in fact some of the nicest people I know are winemakers. But there are a handful (who shall remain nameless) who are indeed complete and utter tools. And I don’t even like the wine some of them make.

Good and bad in everything.
Fortunately, those writing try to say something nice or nothing at all.
Best, Jim

+1 to both Ken and Jim.

There are some who are complete and utter assholes. Ditto owners. When personal contact is part of the equation, as it is in my homeland, I don’t buy from those people no matter how good their wines might be. I buy from people I like who make wine I like.

So that narrows the field to, what, 3 producers? [snort.gif]


Now that I don’t own a winery anymore, you can count one less asshole in the biz. [middle-finger.gif]

But, as has been pointed out, behind every great winemaker sits a guy on a tractor.
Best, Jim

Casey, by and large, the people I really dislike in the wine business are the ones who pretend to be something that they’re not - and no one could ever say that of you [cheers.gif]

What you say is true, Jim, to a degree - but not to a large enough degree to explain the overwhelming number of great people in the wine business.

Just as my profession - your former profession - attracts way more than its proportional share of unpleasant people, the wine business, in my experience at least, attracts way more than its proportional share of the good guys and gals. Why? I don’t know, can’t explain. But your conversion supports my thesis.


Maybe the business helps make them better people?


Its the wine, Al.
Not the business.
Best, Jim

Kindness appreciated.
Still, ‘proportional share’ is hard to define. And while I agree that the creative nature of winemaking, the fact that there is a closeness to nature and the conviviality of the product might seem ample reason to claim the good guys outnumber the bad, I really think it comes down to consumer perceptions - which as we well know, are subject to quite a bit of manipulation in the name of sales.
But I am new to the game and perhaps, based upon my work history, skeptical.
Best, Jim


I would say that every wine maker I’ve ever met has been friendly. It could have something to do with good PR and wanting to sell their wine, but I think its just a great way of making a living - thus happy people!!!


Or perhaps it’s a process of selection–the jerks are anti-social, and thus are the ones you’re less likely to meet.

As a very general proposition, being nice/pleasant is encouraged/rewarded in winemaking, and being a complete jerk is not. That’s just one reason for the difference between winemakers and attorneys. Also, most winemakers got help along the way from other winemakers, and there seems to be a general sense of paying it forward to other aspiring winemakers.


Hey All,

Your missing it…it is all of you that make winemakers “great people.” The wine business is easy because, as a whole, the people that come to you are in a good mood, happy to see you, and only wanting to be made happier by what we provide. Its easy to be nice to such people.

Other businesses, where the customers come and are angry (attorneys), depressed (therapists), sick (doctors), etc. ---- there it would be harder, I think, to be nice and yet people do it…that’s amazing!

Adam Lee
Siduri Wines

Sentiments like the above are why I will buy your wine time and time again.

Of course, the stuff you put in the bottle is pretty good too.
