Aldenalli Pinot 2013 Sonoma Coast

OK, it has been released and shipped. Anyone try a bottle yet?

Someone was going to Pobega it last week! We need notes!

Not me. Mine are hiding from me.

Think I saw a TN on WS

It was Anton D! He said he would Pobega on Halloween weekend!

I lied. Tomorrow, I promise! I will get 'er done on Wine Down Wednesday.

I tried to get my bro in law to come up to compare the Aldenalli with some KB’s and Cirq, but it fell through.

Mea culpa!


No problem. Considering opening the first on Thanksgiving.

Ok. As long as you also report on the Cirq.

Tried the 14 from barrel which was smoking good…can’t help with the 13 yet [basic-smile.gif]

On deck…

It is probably in the KB style but kicked up a notch. BAM!!!

With the touch from Shane!

I don’t get the Shane reference. Can you elaborate?

Check out the dude on the bottom left of the photo on the contact page for AldenAlli:

Shane Finley, former assistant at KB. Did you ever have his Syrah?

I am waiting for their Zin to come out next year…

Nancy… I LOVE my Shane wines!!!

Gotcha thx

Did we miss a tasting note or is the bottle still on deck? neener

I am not a note writer but I took one for the team last night. About an hour decant. Followed a '10 KB Garys Vineyard. Lighter and more delicate than the KB. Very good. Will definitely evolve and improve over time. I give it 92 pts. Unfortunately, I think I have something else I need to buy annually.

We had a bottle on Thanksgiving. Yes, lighter style than the KBs. Very young. I’ll hold off on opening the next bottle. I found a 2005 KB Miron deep in the recesses of my Eurocave, so we had that on Thanksgiving, too. Bigger wine, but quite mature.