Aged Cali Cab

I’ve always wanted to try and see a really well aged California Cab tastes like. I’m not looking to get an aged cult wine or anything of that level. If I wanted to get a good sense of the flavors and how they develop, what winemaker and vintage should I be looking at? I was thinking something along the lines of a late 1990s Mondavi Reserve? Any suggestions would be great.

Seek a 77 Mondavi Reserve. Should be a reasonable value for the quality.

I’d go for a Mondavi reserve or a Dalla Valle. We had a 96 Dalla Valle 10 days ago, and it was gorgeous.

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Yes, Mondavi Reserve for value and quality is a fantastic choice, but you need to go older than the late '90s.

I like the 91-94 run.

Dalla Valle

I’d get the 1985 Cask 23 on Winebid this week. Best price I’ve seen. Beautiful wine. Most of the above wines I would not consider older.

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Go for 91 or 94. Then 90. If you get really lucky, a 74, but you need some luck plus great storage.

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Find a perfectly stored 74 Mondavi CS.

Early 90s Montelena and La Jota cabs would be worth checking out, too.

Agree with Robert and Jay re vintage: 91 or 94. Likely winners if (big if) well stored:

Mondavi Reserve
Montelena Estate
Ridge Monte Bello
Laurel Glen
La Jota Anniversary
Beringer Chabot
Freemark Abbey Bosche

I’d add Dunn but the Howell Mtn is still probably too young.

Seems like a common thread is that it really depends on how well it was stored. Should I be avoiding websites like winebid then? And if so, what would be a good way to purchase these older wines?

Cruise K&L’s website!

They are a high class seller and the prices are generally good.

1978 BV 1978 Beaulieu Vineyard Rutherford Cabernet Sauvignon - SKU 900049

Oh! Maybe this 6L from St Clement for a shindig! 1978 St. Clement Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon (6L) - SKU 1222538

84 Conn Creek for 40 bucks…1984 Conn Creek "Barrel Select" Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon - SKU 1251914

1985 BR Cohn rated 94 points by WS, 80 bucks 1985 B.R. Cohn "Olive Hill" Sonoma Valley Cabernet Sauvignon - SKU 900676

Anyway, cruise around their site and you’ll find some great things to try that mat tickle your palate!

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Too bad they can’t ship to NJ… makes me so sad.

That run can get pricey (Dominus, ouch!) but Anderson’s Conn Valley Vineyards can be had reasonably and provides a real look at that era, at least in terms of valley floor fruit.

The three I noted can be found in the $125-$150 range. Considering the pricing of new CA Cabs with short histories, these are deals. In fact, I’m gonna do my own backfilling!

You can find ACVV under $75, and sometimes $50.

80s Ridge Cabs are awesome (provided of course they haven’t been cooked). Like cars of that vintage, provenance is more important than model - one of the best wines I tasted in 2014 was the York Creek (I think) Cabernet from 81 - was something like 10.5% abv but utterly delicious.

I’ve got some screaming deals on winebid but also some cooked wine…caveat emptor.

Just had 1974 Martha’s Vineyard and 1974 Mount Eden Cab tonight. The MV was staggeringly good. Better than the mag of 70 Latour.

If you are just going back to the 1990s, I think your best bet is Philip Togni, Dunn or Ridge. Mayacamas too, but the wines will be hard as nails.

If budget stretches to include wines from the 1970s and 1980s, your choices are much greater. Old Mondavi Reserve; a good one is the 1987. There are a few producers from the 1970s where the wines went abruptly downhill, so everybody seems to have forgotten them (i.e they are relatively cheap) but if you can find pre 1978 Burgess, Sterling or Jordan (yes Jordan) grab 'em.

+1 on the Anderson’s

They age well, and have classic proportions.

I’ll echo everyone else on the Togni as well, but that will cost more.

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