Add a little Zing to your life: Artisan Preserves!

Zing was born out of my love for cooking and entertaining my family and friends. My quest to find new and delicious flavors led me to one of my favorite creations; ginger preserves. I enjoyed this creative process so much that I started to play with the idea of starting a business.
The final push to start my dream business came after a challenging, yet life altering event. Despite this hardship, I knew one thing; I wanted to create something that represented my values: loving life and getting through it together!
Throughout this journey, it was with the help of my friends and family that Zing Preserves was formed. Why “Zing?” It is short for “zingiber," the botanical name for ginger!
Starting with ginger preserves, I began to experiment with fruits and other new flavors including peaches and rhubarb.
These preserves were inspired by life’s delicious flavors; a little sweet, a little heat, and a lot of spice!
Our preserves are delicious, versatile, and extremely healthy! Ginger has been used worldwide to aid digestion, boost the immune system, and reduce inflammation.

Our preserves will dazzle your taste buds and brighten your day! And yes, it pairs very well with wine.


I am excited to be part of "BerserkerDay 14” Order at least 3 jars (you can mix and match) and receive $2 off per jar with a flat rate shipping of $10 per order of 3. Discount automatically applied at checkout.
Please visit our site don’t forget to check out the Inspo page

My wife and I have had these and they are great.

We like to get a goat cheese ‘loaf’ and then place these preserves on top so when people cut off a piece they get cheese and preserves for their cracker. It’s a match made near Heaven.

They also make great gifts for preserve lovers.

Definitely a thumbs up. If you like fresh and zingy ginger sensation, these are your people!

So happy you like them :slight_smile:

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Super exciting! One question: Are these Celiac-friendly?

They are naturally gluten free

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Big fan here too just delicious!

Thank you

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Awesome preserves - perfect match with tasty BD food offerings too!

Hi Nilou - loved these last year and planned to try more this year. Are you out of stock for the orange blossom and lavender?

Hi Craig,

Yes, we make those in very small batches.

I could always do special order… let me know how many you need.

Glad you like them!


Fantastic, will order asap!

Awesome …… order other available flavors, and let me know what you want separately

These look delicious - great inspo page. Would make lovely gifts!

The Ginger is really delicious.

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How did I miss this one

It’s not too late :slight_smile:

You want these. Had the opportunity last year to try. Anything you get will be enjoyed. Don’t hesitate.