A question about brand ambassadors

Do brand ambassadors have diplomatic immunity?? Can they drive 150 mph thropugh a school zone and then say, hey, I am the brand ambassador for Plonk Wine Estates!!
Do they have citizenship in the wineries they represent?? Special license plates?

What happens if a BA switches from Louis martini to Robert Mondavi?? Double citizenship or does he have to renounce LM before swearing allegiance to RM??

Just curious.

Thread of the year and I don’t even now why…


What’s the real question, Mel?

Mel, you’re asking a lot of questions that are making the wrong people uncomfortable…

Mel wants to open the wrong wine with Turkey this Thursday and he wants to check out his diplomatic immunity options ahead of time.

Do brand ambassadors have diplomatic immunity?? Can they drive 150 mph thropugh a school zone and then say, hey, I am the brand ambassador for Plonk Wine Estates!!


And they can park in “no parking” areas too.

When I grow up I want to be a brand ambassador.

Kind of my thought too. What`s up Mel? Help us here.

Are these political appointments?

If you run into trouble in Napa can you contact the embassy?

I suspect Mel might be making fun of a pretentious job title?

I am not sure what i was thinking, or even if i was, but when I read an article that that the brand ambassador for some company was going to be at an event, I chuckled.

If they had said the ‘sales manager’ for X company was going to show up, everyone would have gone back to sleep.

Are brand ambassadors employees? There is a winery out here on the east coast that has (had?) “ambassadors” that were customers with some special privileges, basically club members but ambassador sounded more prestigious.

and after reading your explanation Mel, I chuckled too.

In the mountaineering business we have brand ambassadors. I think they are at least partly exempt from the law of gravity. They can sure ascend vertical surfaces far better than ordinary mortals.

I wouldn’t want to get in a drinking contest with a wine ambassador, and probably not a political one either.

P Hickner

Yeah, but he is just envious. Rob Casey, “brand ambassador” for Carte Blanche, is a lovely guy. I think formerly for Dom Perignon. Eat your heart out, Mel. But we still love you.

Are these volunteer brand ambassadors kinda like honorary consuls?
Do they get special license plates?
The winery flag for the front yard?

You can only serve as long as you don’t show wear and tear from the road. 27 is about time to make the change to a newer model. Must laugh at all the jokes while making sure the label is always facing the camera.

Necessary for wines that lack a real story or, maybe, a soul.

All the brand ambassadors I have ever met wear the same uniform. Low cut tight fitting dress and platform spiked heels.

Yup, Jay…just look in any copy of TheTastingPanel magazine. They’re there in spades.
To me, the consummate brand ambassadors are AdamLee/Siduri and JoelPeterson/Ravenswood. People that have
paid their dues w/ a winry, sold it off, and now mostly do public appearances for said winery.
Have you ever seen AdamLee in a dress and spiked heels?? Not a pretty sight!! [snort.gif]