A Port from the 1840s, with glass beads.

I am not quite sure what I purchased but the listing was this:
Old Port c. 1840 The Wine Conservator Recorked 11-76 Glass Beads.

Glass beads refers to filling bottles with them when recorking to raise the levels caused by ullage. It means you don’t have to sacrifice a bottle from the same year or change the wine by putting in younger juice. Pretty cool idea.

Frankly if it had been any other store than Chamber Street, I would have been leery with so little information. But as usual they will stand behind it if unfit for human consumption. And we have a date; to be opened in mid November at this year’s annual OTT. I have a feeling it will be dryish, so early indications are that we will match it with a consommé soup, but open to suggestions.

Any idea when it was first put into bottle? I ask because if it was a Ruby Port put into bottle back around the mid 1800’s bring a spare bottle to drink. They tend to be VERY medicinal with tons of pine resin type notes. Educational to try a glass or maybe two but not something you’d want to drink a whole bottle of while watching a game.

If it was a Tawny put in bottle far later it could still be very good.

Can you see inside what the sediment amount is like. And what type of sediment (fine or course)?

EDIT: As far as food. Something that old, skip any type of food and enjoy it on it’s own.

I’ve had amazing Tawny’s from 1863 and 1896 from Taylor-Fladgate. I’m in agreement on old Ruby’s as I’ve had some from early 1900’s that were almost astringent.

My sole concern would be that the presence of the beads in the bottle could break up the sediment and prevent it from settling back down.

Then again, you can always filter the Port into a decanter…

They won’t harm anything. The type of sediment question is important. So I hope Mark chimes back in with what type it is.

We plan to open it in mid November. Not worried about a back up as it’s part of our annual over the top lunch, and there’s always plenty of wine. I will report back afterwards.