A new owner of vines in Batard Montrachet

A note that I have known Alex for a handful of years and assisted him in the 2010 harvest.

Sorry for the press release…but I figured that it would be the easiest way to get all of the info out there.

Gambal Acquires Grand Cru Vineyard Batard-Montrachet
First American in history to purchase vines in the Grand Cru Montrachets.

BURGUNDY, COTE D’OR, France, March 3, 2011 – Alex Gambal, a successful American winemaker in Burgundy, and owner of Domaine Gambal, announced today that he has acquired vines in the Grand-Cru Vineyard Batard-Montrachet. He becomes the first non Frenchman in history to purchase vines in this storied area.

Gambal put under contract Domaine Brenot of Santenay, consisting of 3.5 hectares of vines in Puligny-Montrachet, Chassagne-Montrachet and Santenay in Fall, 2010. The seller, Philippe Brenot, was Gambal’s professor at the wine school in Beaune from 1996-1997. The parcels of Batard-Montrachet had been in the Brenot’s family for many generations. One parcel was given to Philip Brenot’s grandfather as a payment for medical services early in the 20th century.

The Batard-Montrachet parcels total .3744 of a hectare (~.92 of an acre) and can produce a maximum of ~ 7 1/2 barrels of wine (187 cases). The Batard consists of four parcels, three of which lie in the upper part of Batard that is considered the best or “Premiere Classe” according to the 1860 classifications, called “Les Batards Montrachet.” Gambal kept two of these parcels that equal to a bit less than one half of the surface area and will make 75-85 cases a year.

The parcel of Puligny-Montrachet Les Enseigineres is classified a village wine but because of its excellence it is often referred to as “Baby Batard.” The vineyard covers .3020 of a hectare (~.75 of an acre) and can produce ~ 7 barrels (175 cases).

The Chassagne-Montrachet vineyard “L’Ormeau” has a surface of .1299 of a hectare (~ 1/3 of an acre) and will produce 3 barrels (75 cases).

Also acquired was a house on the square in Santenay that will be turned into a guest and rental residence.

Gambal’s vineyards now total 3.4 hectares (8.4 acres) and include an old vine vineyard in Savigny-les-Beaune that was recently acquired under a long term lease. All of Gambal’s vines are farmed biodynamically and will be certified “AB” after the three-year certification process.

About Maison Alex Gambal
Maison Alex Gambal is a winery located in Beaune, France. The wines are made by hand, in small lots, following the phases of the moon with biodynamic practices.

Congratulations to Alex, one of the nicest guys in the business.

If you find out the rental details of the house on the square in Santenay, PM me :wink:

That’s a nice little town there. Found an awesome lunch place with Mugnier Clos Marchele 2006 for under 70E.

looks like a Gambal that paid off! Very cool.

Good for Alex. I found this part of the press release confusing…

"The Batard-Montrachet parcels total .3744 of a hectare (~.92 of an acre) and can produce a maximum of ~ 7 1/2 barrels of wine (187 cases). The Batard consists of four parcels, three of which lie in the upper part of Batard that is considered the best or “Premiere Classe” according to the 1860 classifications, called “Les Batards Montrachet.” Gambal kept two of these parcels that equal to a bit less than one half of the surface area and will make 75-85 cases a year.

So he acquired 4 parcels, and kept 2 parcels? Did he sell the other 2 parcels on to someone else? Or am I reading this wrong?

Yes, 4 parcels and sold the other 2.

Thanks for clarifying, Michael. I don’t believe I have heard of Domaine Brenot. Did they bottle and market domaine wines, or sold off to the negoce?

They did bottle (I think Clive enjoyed them) but I have never seen a bottle (in person, seen in offers).

No idea if the BH has ever reviewed Brenot either.

I think the key to this deal (unlike the Faiveley deal a few years back) is that this land comes free and clear (no other leases or producers off this property).

Congrats to Alex.

I’ve had one of their wines, a couple of years ago, and liked it quite a lot; reminded me a bit of Leflaive’s style. Here’s my brief note from the Wiki Oxidized Burgs site: “Puligny Enseignières (Apr 09): Absolutely no oxidation, pale as a new release, excellent bottle.”

I bought it at MacArthurs in 2002.

I had the '99 (I think) Brentot Batard twice over 5 years ago. A good Batard, lighter in style, yet did not find it anything special. Given all the other wonderful batards out there (albeit a bit more expensie) never tried more. Conrast to the new owners who I’m sure will make it reach potential.


The other 2 parcels went to Boisset who I will assume will place that with their Vougeraie portfolio.