A couple of 2014 Julien Guillot. I'm so hipster now!

With the baby on the way I can no longer afford Burgundy so I gotta be cool and start drinking natural wines. Gotta stay relevant and hip… even as a dad to be.

A new restaurant in Downtown Los Angeles opened, Miro. Located a block from my office it has become a regular happy hour/lunch/dinner spot. A cool space but also an interesting all natural wine list (of over 130 SKUs). The somm, Courtney, tried me on these two bottles and I was pretty surprised how much I liked them.

2014 Clos des Vignes du Maynes Bourgogne Rouge ‘Cuvée Auguste’: An “old vines” Pinot fin from Macon. It was decanted it and we tasted it through the meal. A glorious sweet red fruit nose with some anise and pepper, but it was bright and playful. The palate was also a very exuberant bright fruit with a ton of cool acidity and attention grabbing minerality. A bit of savage meatiness running through the back end to give it some complexity Well structured and a touch of tannin. Definitely gonna buy some as it was delicious.

2014 Clos Des Vignes du Maynes ‘Big Trouble in Little Chenas’: This wine was really surprising, on the palate it was full of earth and dark brooding fruit. Broadly structured with coarse tannins but it had this underlying acidity that coursed through that made it a much brighter wine than the inky purple you would expect. It’s tough to explain without trying it. Still a really pleasant drink.

The low alcohol on those makes it safer to ride your unicycle home without having your fedora fall off.

Unicycles are so 2011. Get a neck beard. Even Brooklyn rooftop apiaries and craft kombucha barely qualify as hipster. Unless your kombucha factory has a transgender bathroom.

Good luck with the baby, Fu! We’re working on number 2 - bun in the oven. 3h per day Montessori school for our soon-to-be two year old costs more than my first year in College… Brutal.

the cuvée auguste is fantastic. they sell it at chambers street but it is a little expensive.

I’ve quite liked what (little) I have sampled from Chenas. Whether it’s the pink granite or whatever, I like its distinctiveness.

yeah, a local spot has it for about $43. At $33 i’m pretty enthused but at $43 it’s tough. It’s a really fantastic wine though.